Monday, February 18, 2013
Adam and Eve. The theory of
As citizens of the planet Nibiru Anunnaki created people
This article tells about the version on which humanity has a gene from crossing the Anunnaki gene monkeys, as well as the history of the planet Nibiru and its problems on the destruction of the atmosphere and how established man-machine that could mine gold. According to mainstream science, the Sumerians is that civilization, which was the first in knowledge about the world. For example, they know that the slope of the earth's axis, and there is 23 degrees. Sumerian scientists were not even surprise data on solar planets, they had such knowledge and, moreover, they have determined their color. The scientists found that the Sumerian tablets contain information about events described in the book of Genesis, there is also mention of Adam and Eve and their children. Christians, these facts are not pleasant, and they refuse to believe in their credibility.
Accept this is to admit the fact that the Bible talks about the events that were known before the publication of the Christian shrine. And this, in turn, said that wrote the Bible semiliterate politically sovereign people, who were commissioned to create a religious institute for people management. And faith in God allowed the authorities to solve political problems.
According to the Sumerians, from the moment of the history of the Earth was billions of years old at the time, was the name of the planet Tiamat, and her age was very small. Orbit at which the rotation, located between Jupiter and Mars. Sumerian chronicles also talked about how the solar system is another major planet, it was called Nibiru, and among the Babylonians, it was known as Marduk.
Nibiru rotation occurs in the opposite direction from the movement of the planets, which includes the solar system. Once in 3.6 thousand years the way the planet passes between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, and led the solar system.
According to the Sumerians, the planet was inhabited by intelligent beings - Nephilim or annuakami whose growth was very high. Growth of women had an average of 3.7 meters, and the men reached 5 meters. They did not speak of them as immortal, but their life expectancy was very high, about 360 000 Earth years.
About 450-thousand years ago, the people of Nibiru faced with recovery of the ozone layer. To do this, they had to find gold particles with which to reflect heat and light back on the planet. But it was not real, since such a huge amount of gold on Niribu existed. This prompted them to space travel to find gold in the territory of the other planets. But their spacecraft were not perfect and can not be used for long-distance flights. The drawings left by annuakov shows that their aircraft were in the form of rockets from the back of that comes out the flames. They did not yearn for the moment when the distance from the Earth to the planet is so reduced that they can, without fear, to reach her.
Especially, after learning that the world can find a large amount of gold they started 12 teams that had to find him. Despite the fact that the place of their landing was Iraq. Mine the gold they have in the south-eastern part of Africa. According to surviving the Sumerians, gold was mined for 100-150 thousand years, then annunakskie miners rebelled. From that moment marked the transition to a completely different level of development. And it has been linked to the perceived need to replace the miners refused to work. It was decided to create a race by mixing their DNA with the DNA of primates. They believed was to get some man-machine that would implicitly performed the instructions.
Curiously, on the spot where, according to the Sumerians lived annuaki found gold mines, whose age is more than 100 thousand years. I wonder how our ancestors managed to come up with a mechanism of gold mining, and why they needed such a huge amount of it?
Author of the following article lays out his theory of two immortal people created civilization Nephilim from the planet Nibiru.
Adam and Eve, the progenitors of our terrestrial civilization that Nifilim created as slaves. We all had to be slaves ...
(Proceedings of the genetics).
The egg is a perfectly round ball. It is surrounded by a membrane called the zona pellucida. Inside this membrane - liquid, and inside just like in a chicken egg, there is another perfectly round sphere, called the female pronucleus. Small sperm penetrates the zona pellucida by using other sperm, and then begins to swim towards the female pronucleus. The first thing that happens is that the sperm tail falls off and disappears. Then the tiny head of the spermatozoon increases and becomes a perfect sphere, which is the male pronucleus. He is exactly the same size as the female pronucleus. After that, they get into each other and form a geometric relationship, called vesica piscis.
After two pronuclei created vesica piscis, male pronucleus continues to penetrate the female pronucleus as long as they do not become one. At this point, it is called a zygote, the first cell in the human body. A human zygote is about 200 times greater than the average cell in the human body, it is so large that it is visible to the naked eye. When it divides into two, each of these two cells is half the original size, and when the two cells divide into four, each of the cells is a quarter of the original size. The cells continue to divide thus becoming less and less as long as they do not split eight times, which is 512. At this point is reached the size of a typical cell of the human body. Once this happens, mitosis continues dividing cells spread beyond the original zona pellucida.
The next step in the process of fertilization is to start moving the two DNA inside zona pellucida. Now, out of nowhere comes the tube that passes exactly through the center of the cell, from south to north. Then the female DNA is built along one side of the tube and the male along the other side trubki.Raspolozhenie male and female DNA influences the determination of sex of the child, and later I will explain how.
How was man created? According to the God Thoth, the level of consciousness has six stupeney.Kazhdy level of consciousness has a certain amount hromosom.My Earthlings are on the third level of consciousness and our DNA contains 46 hromosom.Tsivilizatsiya Nephilim from Nibiru 360,000 years ago was on the fourth level of consciousness and their DNA was 48 chromosomes and the growth they were from 3.5 to 5 dimensions. They had taken the egg chimpanzee DNA which also has 46 chromosomes and a young sperm to fertilize an egg Nephilim. Sumerian texts say that luck is not immediately accompanied by a scientist and as a result of experiments initially appeared monstrous hybrids. Finally they came to success. Well-formed egg then placed into the body of the Nephilim, who agreed to become Ninti. As a result of prolonged pregnancy and cesarean section was born the first person - Adam.I so, what happened when the fertilized egg into the DNA of the chimpanzee has 46 chromosomes, sperm Nephilim have 48 chromosomes in the DNA? Two DNA lined up along the tube headed for symmetry and 48ya male chromosome passed into DNA shimpanze.Takim way the formation of two DNA 47 hromosom.Kogda information is derived from the DNA of a chimpanzee, born freaks and it is clear: Chimp DNA from one chromosome cheloveka.No finally success, the information read from the DNA of the Nephilim, and the first man born, but with 47yu chromosomes in DNA. Next, the scientists removed the DNA from the Y chromosome Adam and replaced it with X chromosome, taken from young Nefilim.Takim way the clone was created from Adam's feminine, or a woman, who was given the name Eve.
After two DNA came to turn on the new symmetry, DNA turned by 180 ° and the cell, and thus the entire human body changed its polarity, is reading the information beginning with X hromosomy.Izmenenie polarity led to unblock memory both DNA and human. Adam and Eve were born beautiful and graceful, an increase of about 5-feet, with a boundless pamyatyu.Poskolku DNA 47yu chromosomes implies the development of the body in a spiral Fibonacci sequence of numbers: - 1,2,3,5,8,13 and so on. And approximately every 13,000 years the Earth's axis shifts followed the psychological and physiological changes, then when the symmetry was the first step: to 46ti plus one hromosoma.Cherez 13,000 years, they moved to the fifth level of consciousness and their DNA was already 49 chromosomes , and the growth they have about 15 - 17 metrov.Esche in about 13,000 years, they moved to the sixth level of consciousness, the DNA added three chromosomes, and their growth is now at about 20 - 21 metru.Mozhno with absolute certainty that the age of Adam and Eve is now little more than 50,000 years.
The children of Adam and Eve were created since 48yu chromosomes because DNA with 47 chromosomes, and it is not symmetrical at fertilization also rushed to simmetrii.Eto led to stopping the algorithm, but did not change the polarity of the body, but the children were смертными.Продолжительность first 13,000 years of life was about 800 - 1000 let.Potom happening all as mentioned above, the DNA was added and the two chromosomes was 50, which reduced the life expectancy of up to about 250 - 300 years, and following the addition of three chromosomes in the transition to the sixth level of consciousness has exceeded the number 52 and is reset chromosomes to 46, with the change of the polarity of the body, which is completely blocked our memory and we were in the caves of which for the past 13,000 years have pulled Adam and Eve and their only bezsmerny syn.Nam they are known as the god Thoth, the Holy Mother of God and Jesus Christ, or Holy Trinity - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, where the Holy Spirit - the Spirit of God, who is always present with us everywhere and at all times.
A look at the DNA of the person from the point of view of physics.
For the experiment, we need two stem cells, women's and men's and patsient.Sorientiruyte microscope in south-north direction so that the DNA is located on the south to the north, and the researcher was facing sever.Vozmite female stem cell and remove the DNA first and eleventh chromosome , start counting from the south to the north in a clockwise direction and replace the first and eleventh chromosome DNA taken from male stem cells. Replace the first chromosome DNA, we give a positive potential and enable the algorithm (Algorithm Sm.moyu article). Eleven should be changed because it is related to the first open frame schityvaniya.Posle replacement chromosome DNA make a 180 degree turn and read the information will begin with "X" hromosomy.Kogda reach 46 (and it was the first), it will be thrown out of the DNA as an extra (45ya chromosome also has a positive potential). Thus the DNA will remain 45 hromosom.Chislo 45 can relate to like 15t 30ti, ie DNA now assumes development life in a spiral helix Golden secheniya.Dvoynaya fully unfold and minimizes again, in complete symmetry, but as a way to recover triple spiral.Takim genetic DNA memory. 45 chromosomal DNA is now in harmony with 45yu Malekula RNA, which means that the number of regenerated cells was equal to the number of dead cells, which stops the aging process cheloveka.Ostanetsya include two inactive hromosomy.Vklyuchiv first we will solve the problem for good heat preservation, it means that, even at absolute zero it will be komfortno.Vklyuchiv second, we become susceptible to radioactive izlucheniyu.Kakie this account chromosomes and how to include them, I'll explain later. But that's not all.
You all know that the inclination of the Earth is about 23 gradusam.Blagodarya that it performs various kolebaniya.Naprimer thanks to a change of the times we are interested goda.No precession ravnodenstviya.Eto oscillation has an oval shape and lasts about 26,000 let.Na trajectory of this oscillation There are two points located approximately 2000 years from its peak, where roughly every 13,000 years a shift of Earth's axis, and the world are both psychological and physiological izmeneniya.My are now in one of those tochek.V early fifties will shift the earth's axis counter-clockwise by 90 gradusov.Ekvator pass through today's pole and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. As a result of this shift, we mentally go to a very high level soznaniya.Proizoydut and physiological changes.
The body of people with altered DNA will resonate with our galaxy, leaving us open so-called third eye, so we will see in the dark as well as by day.
We have changed the way of breathing, we will breathe prana (ether). This means that for a full life we do not need to be air.
Around our bodies begin whirling speed of light the Mer-Ka-Ba, so that we can instantly peremeschatsya (telepartirovat) at any point in space. We will become immortal, always young, slim, beautiful, full of health, strength and energy become lyudmi.My perfection itself. And so, what is man?
Man is the most advanced in the universe of biological resonance system conjured Bogom.Vsem know that chicken is chicken growing up, puppy-dog, elephant-slonom.My people are created in the image and likeness, we are children of God and therefore we are God.
That's the theory of the author, or rather to create a human-wise.
Sinister Planet Nibiru
Some just two weeks left before the end of the world, and then the Catholic Christmas, then New Year's. Do you think so? So you an optimist. However, millions of people around the world believe that the whole of human history will end on December 21 of this goda.Nasha civilization will disappear forever. And this is connected with the fact that the earth is approaching the mysterious planet Nibiru.
Pessimists say, that while it is observed in only a few telescopes. But soon it will be visible to all, and then begin the real apocalypse. After all, its gravitational radiation will have such force that budge even continents. This will cause an earthquake of unprecedented power, tsunamis and hurricanes. Before such cosmic power pathetic human civilization will collapse. And even if some members of the species homo sapiens, and can survive in this cauldron of cataclysms, of the benefits of civilization, they will be able to forget for a thousand years. If not forever.
We begin to understand the story from the beginning. Where did she Nibiru, why is it suddenly began to talk? How is it that none of the earlier astronomers did not know about it? Now it turned out that it was always the tenth planet of our system, and its period of revolution around the Sun in 3600 years. And each time its approach to land caused the tragic events of global scale. And her last visit caused the destruction of Atlantis. Prior to that on her conscience extinct dinosaurs and several ice ages.
So what are the sources tell us about the planet Nibiru? First of all, it is the ancient Mesopotamian myths, especially the epic "Enuma Elish." It deals with the creation of the world of man. Just thirty years ago, experts on ancient Middle Eastern civilizations were sure - under Nibiru ancient Sumerians, Babylonians and Assyrians meant Jupiter. The fact that it may be a different planet for the first time, said Zecharia Sitchin. This is an American writer of Israeli origin, connoisseur of dead languages of Hebrew and Middle East specialist ancient Middle Eastern history. Zecharia Sitchin was convinced that the Bible is based on an ancient Sumerian-Akkadian sources of origin. And those - back to the even more ancient times, when there was a so-called paleocontacts - meeting the wild ancestors of the person with the aliens from outer space.
I must say that this idea was first proposed by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, and his successors were found.
Paleocontacts hypothesis is very popular among many historians and archaeologists who have just using it may explain the sudden, almost simultaneously in all parts of the world, the transition to a civilization of our ancestors. Indeed, worthy of wonder that 15,000 years ago, all of a sudden, just out of nowhere, the hunters and gatherers who lived in tents and caves, suddenly begin to build cities. They appear writing, law, medicine, animal husbandry, agriculture, metallurgy. And this is happening everywhere - in China and India, in Sumer and Egypt, Mexico and Peru. This is a remote area each were simply not possible for cultural exchange at a time when there were no planes, no cars.
Amazing sound ancient rock paintings, as well as the bas-reliefs on the walls of temples and palaces. Modern researchers have recognized them as UFOs, monsters, and just does not understand the technical devices and strange, sometimes sinister rites. Just look at the ancient statues of Ecuador, to make sure that this is a modern astronaut in a spacesuit. The same is seen in the Old Japanese figurines "mastiff" in the drawings of the Maya manuscripts.
But even this is not the most surprising. Much grander those achievements that "suddenly" and "themselves" have been made by people in the days of antiquity. For example, we all know about the amazing properties of Chinese acupuncture. Acupuncture can cure severe diseases just massage special points or vkalyvaniem needles in them in sequence. Where on the body a few thousand points, and so the effect is positive, it is necessary to choose the right
Modern scholars believe that the effectiveness of acupuncture due to the fact that all the points are located near the nerves and their endings. But how ancient people could learn all of this complex system of points, and find the right combination? The Chinese believe that knowledge about acupuncture gave them great Yellow Emperor who came down from heaven. What is not a proof of the theory paleocontacts?
Even more surprising is farming. Great geneticist Nikolai Vavilov showed that all known species of plants used in agriculture come from several centers. Of course, these points coincide with the first human civilizations. All the same Schumer, China, Peru and others. And all the ancient myths testify - farming ancients taught specifically descended from heaven gods.
Such evidence, the more advanced alien intervention in the affairs of our ancestors many earthlings. Scientists find evidence of ancient spaceports and skeletons, which have nothing in common with ordinary men.
What were the goals of aliens? What are they civilized humanity? Already mentioned researcher Zecharia Sitchin has answered this very simply. The aliens have ape-like ancestors of man, and instilled in them a part of their DNA. This is how the modern man - a cross between a human and an alien. After all the necessary genetic transformation of people were sent to work in the gold mines. Near these mines were just the first human civilized settlement.
These alien-slave he called the Anunnaki. And they were like humanoid reptiles. Subsequently, the Anunnaki had disappeared from the planet, but they left their representatives, who carefully concealed under his human shell inside the true amphibians. This fifth column has long been entrenched in the world and the government to seize the things humans. There are even videos, where all of a sudden, for a few moments the same Bill Clinton or Barack Obama suddenly takes an entirely different character.
It should be recognized that the theory of Zecharia Sitchin criticism so far. His most famous opponent - Michael Heiser, also known historian and culture of the ancient East. He often reproached for Sitchin liberties with ancient texts, their mistranslation. Moreover, he believed that Sitchin deliberately manipulates the ancient texts, distorting them to suit his theories. For example, in the ancient Sumerian word "Nibiru" is not a planet, just a ferry or ferry.
And the purpose of the people of the gods, according to ancient sources, was entirely different. They created them not to those mined gold - its reserves are too small on the planet to fly him out of the cosmos. And just to make people take care of their physical needs - for the gods grew grains, vegetables and cattle. And then send it to the temple for sacrifice. After all, to sacrifice in ancient times was corny ensuring food of the gods.
So wait or not to wait for the arrival of our sinister Nibiru? If and wait, soon. Zecharia Sitchin himself attributed its appearance in our sky by 2085. But, perhaps, we had never been seen. According to sources of the ancient Maya and Aztec Nibiru has long been lost, a few thousand years ago. Now in its place is a giant belt of asteroids.
All these facts push doomsday at least 73 years - until 2085. Maybe then we will see who was at the forefront of our civilization. However, it is possible that not. Indeed, among the supporters paleocontacts no consensus on where the aliens arrived. Besides Nibiru called Sirius, Mars, as well as habitable planets around Alpha Centauri.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Почему не видна Нибиру
Когда заходит речь о Нибиру, главным камнем преткновения, несомненно, является ее видимость. Откуда столько отрицаний? Почему не видна Нибиру? Масса критиков регулярно обрушиваются на сторонников теории существования планеты Х, утверждая, что при относительной близости даты ее приближения, а именно 21 декабря 2012 года, астрономы просто обязаны ее видеть. На самом деле не все так просто и на сегодняшний день существует как минимум две проблемы, связанных с обнаружением Нибиру. Первая и, пожалуй, основная это элементарное нежелание ее находить, тут мы наблюдаем проявление, своего рода, теории заговора, которой мы неоднократно касались ранее. Вторая проблема это относительная техническая сложность обнаружения планеты Х, обусловленная особенностями ее строения, но обо всем по порядку.
Власти крайне не заинтересованы в том, чтобы информация о планете Нибиру стала достоянием общественности. Объяснение тут довольно простое, ведь если планета Х существует, то наша цивилизация стоит на грани катастрофы, а приближение такого массивного тела к нашей планете может привести к невероятным, по своим масштабам, катаклизмам глобального характера. Среди аналитиков распространено мнение, что подобные события на Земле могут привести к гибели до 90% населения планеты, а паника, которая может возникнуть в результате подобного официального заявления, не поддается систематическому анализу. Ни одно правительство в мире не сможет совладать с беспорядками, которые начнутся повсеместно с приближением Нибиру, и с этой стороны можно было бы найти даже некоторое оправдание правительствам ведущих стран.
Планета Х, после детального изучения имеющихся о ней сведений, отнесли к типу коричневых карликов или остывающих звезд. Древние описания Нибиру рисуют ее как «крылатую звезду», которая имеет красные крылья, что подходит под описание остывающих звезд именно такого класса. Коричневые карлики, как правило, имеют размеры, сопоставимые с диаметром Юпитера, яркость не более 0.01% яркости нашего Солнца, а, ввиду угасания внутренних термоядерных реакций, заметить их возможно чаще всего только в инфракрасный телескоп: свет они уже не излучают, но до сих пор достаточно теплые. Такие объекты как Нибиру еще недостаточно остыли, чтобы превратиться в планетоид, который каждый школьник, при приближении, смог бы рассмотреть в свой любительский телескоп. И это реальная проблема в обнаружении планеты Х.
Основным проектом инфракрасного наблюдения из космоса был и остается орбитальный телескоп IRAS, утечка данных наблюдения которого, вскоре после запуска в 1983 году, позволила услышать из уст НАСА о возможном официальном существовании Нибиру. Представители данной организации в те годы не отдавали себе отчета о возможных последствиях, однако, достаточно быстро всю информацию засекретили, дабы предотвратить возможность массовой истерии. НАСА построила специальную обсерваторию на Южном полюсе, чтобы наблюдать за приближением планеты Х. Только она сегодня обладает современными инфракрасными телескопами, позволяющими наблюдать планету Нибиру на ее следовании к Солнечной системе, мы же официально узнаем о ее существовании гораздо позже, чем мы могли бы себе позволить.
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