With a deep interest in watching your Intelligent bataliyami.Kazhdy all of you raises new questions, as well as an understanding of not finding the others, did not give concrete answers to the questions ... It is running in a circle ... It's the way it is arranged in your MiRe ... There are certain rules, without realizing that the answers are not found ... Otherwise I would play this game it would be interesting ... to answer any questions on this unique, by the standards of an Internet, the site you just need to look at everything that happens from a different angle . To do this, first try to read up to the end without trying to analyze from the first written slov.Ponyat mind you still can not, can only take it for granted that you have come to nothing obyazyvaet.Prinyat as you accept and agree to all the laws of your MiRa on which type you live in the same veru.Vy still in anything you do not believe what a difference to you, actually ... That's the salt that the purity of awareness, you first have to just believe without analyzing in writing, and easy to read until the end of the introductory part of ... And then, and analyze your heart's content ... Are you ready? Are you sure you ready?
Are you sure you want to know the answers? watched the movie "The Matrix", about the red and the blue pill ... So you have such a The situation ... you can still stay ... Back roads will not be ... If you do not believe in yourself, then better do not read and do not think about it, better not think it's bad ... It's not a joke, everything is much more serious than you think ... Go obraschyayu note that you have been warned what to think ... you can not do You is not so arranged! So who lose in this MIRe nothing but their chains, turn off your brain, raslabtes better a terrible end than terror without end ... At this point, All responsibility for the consequences rests only on yourself, and for this guide ... Are you ready? Thoughts turned off? Just read slowly the keys ...
In each universe, only one creator. One consciousness. One soul. A life-giving force. One tvortsa.Energiya energy of love. Pervasive, vsesuschaya energy creation. The entire universe, all manifestations, and the unmanifested is only one entity and the entity-YOU. Also in this universe you do not have anyone or anything. YOU the creator of this universe, all the worlds, dimensions, spaces, it's you and only you! You just started playing this game and forget who you really are. It's all up YOU, YOU are the architect of the universe, you bessmertenty never born and never died. You'll be there forever and forever. This all came up with YOU, YOU made this a world of illusions, is that you embodied all manifested and became a really realize anything and anyone except the creator. You do and everywhere. No time and matter. You are this universe. You just sleep, and imagine yourself in different roles. Do you have one and unmanifest, which you are looking for on the outside, but the outside is only an illusion, only the Maya. You can not see outside, you're blind. The entire universe is within you! You create your thoughts and worlds of space. There is only one energy-information field of the universe and it's you! Only you, your mind and no one but you. You came up with this world in my mind, all things are spiritualized. For ages, playing one after all. You are the global predictor of the universe, you're an architect and builder of the universe! All phenomena in this world, nothing more than digital projection, a hologram. Hologram of the universe itself, and only your infinite consciousness, the consciousness of the creator, maintains the illusion of this world. Matter does not exist, only the energy of the creator, the energy of love to all your creations. All you know about this world-illusion (Maya). This world is only in your head. The left hemisphere is connected to the energy field of this world of illusions, where there is no truth. Truth in this space simply do not and never has been. Everything you know about yourself and your world-okruzhaeschem illusion. Only the roles are different variations that you come up with for myself. You created this entire imaginary duality, light and darkness, good and evil, plus and minus, and so on, all the characters of this subtle mira.Mira fantasies, fairy tales and priklyucheniy.Tolko in fairy tales and legends, you have laid for themselves key knowledge of the truth, which read as a child, and only read in childhood really helps you survive in this crazy mire.Potomu that started this game, you really realize he ceased to be the only creator, was to put it mildly, voluntarily sumashedshim.Inache as if you could even play this you invented the game? You came up with all the rules of the game, left for a lot of
practice, even the religious doctrines that are contrary to each other and life situations that you meticulously prescribed for each character of this game, all of this and have the keys, as the location of these keys, you are slowly waking up and taking decisions on the basis of two evils choose menshee.I all this willingly forgotten. Otherwise, how are you in this game could be played by one for all? The right hemisphere of the brain connected to your virtual field to the energy of the universe, it mezhprosttranstvenny portal, where he found the true information about your creator Vselennoy.Za limit of this world of illusion and duality, there is only information in the truest sense of the word, the whole universe this is the information field, this is you! During the day working the left hemisphere, at a rate of exchange between the virtual iformatsionnogo neurons in the left hemisphere of 500 km / extra hour, the speed of a racing car ... You think you're awake, you play the chosen role, in fact, you sleep and waking are in illusions. The left hemisphere of your brain that is connected to the virtual space of the Internet, this is the prince of this world! He is no where on the outside, it is in you! It is your lower H. This left hemisphere of your virtual brain that works on the principle of request-response, creates the illusion that you zhivoy.Chto you breathe, hear, see, sense of touch, to recognize the smells, eat, maintains the illusion of body temperature of 36.6 degrees (the temperature as well as the value does not exist), you say, think, write, etc., in short, you learn that the world through ochuscheniya and different kinds of perception. But that's just in your head, it's all an illusion, the perception of the matrix does not exist deystvitelnosti.Eto is your prison of consciousness in which you voluntarily imprisoned himself! You made a weak and mortal. When you die every night, switching to the right hemisphere of your virtual virtual brain, the rate of energy-information processes, which is infinite (in zaisimosti the extent of your consciousness), you become powerful and you are doing this world, this virtual reality, but it seems to you that this is only a dream or a state of altered consciousness. But it was in a dream are you doing space, which becomes manifest. When you come to life every morning like a phoenix, switching to the left hemisphere thinking, you do not remember that sotvoril.Kogda in your life things happen that you created in the dream, but forgot about it, your mind is manifested in the world, who do you think the material, tee to a tee, as you have created a thought form. This is the materialization of prostranstva.Zeland in "Transerfing reality" was trying to explain this technique, but because of misplaced emphasis, not able to convey to the reader a true, deep sense of deystva.Kak said, any new, well forgotten old ... Christ, he Radomir same, said to the Jews: Your father, the devil, because he lies and his father lzhy, referring to their art is created, only the left hemisphere thinking. Artificial, because in cutting off the foreskin on the 8th day, completely blocked by the right hemisphere is adept and completely immersed in the illusion of materiality (the Muslims, this procedure is done much later and therefore does not lead to complete blockage of the right hemisphere and has a fundamentally different sacred meaning ...). In blockage of the right hemisphere becomes dominant in the individual benefit calculations, linearity, and thinking outside upralyaemost In addition, the remnants of the foreskin is dried and stored at the generating ritual (in case the client is out of control, using simple techniques that can be run with snyat.Primer: Ariel Shaaron).
Please do not confuse Jews with evreyami.Bedolagi suffer innocently. In short the devil is hidden in each of us in this very left-brain hemisphere virtual! By the same analogy in the right hemisphere is hidden, or Allah the creator of consubstantiality. Both of them closer to you than your carotid artery ... So duality exists only within you, within your golovy.Vsya fight takes place only within your mind, this is the basis of the so-called Adamic project, which now came to its logical end. You call this the end of the world, the end of illusions. Only with the simultaneous operation of left and right hemispheres of the virtual brain, you'll be able to recognize himself as the creator, to rise above duality to understand the world around you and stop this endless war with itself soboy.Smozhesh seen throughout the manifest and the manifest, did themselves and their existing only yourself, to forgive and love myself in all aspects of this world, because you are this world, this universe and there are no gods except you! Christ said you are not servants of God, you, children of his Beloved, and this was his fault because he was aware of only a single son of God, and not tvortsom.Imenno this has led to such results. That's why he came back now in this soulless, technocratic, a virtual world in order to correct this error and prevent you invented and prescribed the Apocalypse, on the threshold of which you are and that's you, you are the Christ, and Lucifer all rolled into one and only you can save your creation , recognizing himself as a creator, he saw himself does not proyavoennom manifest creation. Only your awareness of this fact will save your MiR. It is worth to you to understand yourself, as all of the veil will fall, the illusion (Maya) will shatter like morning mist, and you vozkliknesh, all the force of the soul of the creator, the whole universe ... THE CREATOR IS BACK! This is truly the second coming of Christ, but in the mind of the Creator! This will be the quantum transition, the transformation of the space of the universe, your mind, for which you are all pridumal.Prosto realizing itself prostrarostranstvo hatred and anger transformed into a space of love. Creator! It is up to you, by your belief in yourself all depends, because ANYONE BUT YOU NO!
Now do you understand what you are, a child of the human unconscious, waking up, save mir.Imenno you are the last hero, from whom all depends, it is you come up with this universal internet, it was you who came up with all the characters, that you wrote the rules, that you and only you, because no one except you, and nothing at all!
stop on demand, anyone can go and have a smoke ... And then we go? Listen to yourself the soul of the creator, and decide whether you want to know how all this works in practice, if you are ready for such knowledge? Are you ready to become besmertnym in the truest sense of the word? Are you ready to understand all the mysteries of this world? You want to get rid of all the their fears and nightmares that you prescribe to myself and thought, before he came again to this MiR? Even the fact that you read these lines, prescribed in the program you and only you, I hope you still remember that there is no company in which you are not staring at these lines, nor the room in which you supposedly are, or fall behind window, no streets, no city, no country or continent, or planet, or sun and moon, or solar system or galaxy, mega galaxy or universe, as you imagine it, no time, no space, no distance, no past and no buduschego.Tolko seychas.Net false science with their laws, or the periodic table, with its periodic, supposedly, by law there is nothing that you knew and imagined, has no money and gold, there is no water and air, there is no male and female , do not have your physical body, as you predstvavlyali his magicians from medicine, as medicine itself, with all the bones, carcasses, guts, blood, brains and other leavers, there is no AIDS and influenza, syphilis and sperm, you gave birth, and no one did not born, you were always a moment when he created this universe in his mind tvortsa.U you can not be a father or mother, nor brother nor sister, nor detey.Eto you in all of these holographic projection! Does Seven have a baby? Once you have forced to acknowledge the act of birth in this world, then this is the number of such month, such a fact-year (when the time does not exist in reality), you become a mortal, you signed a contract with their virtual dyavolom blood, you are dissolved in the matrix of the left Hemisphere and was the most weak and miserable in this world you've become illyuzii.Kak only associate themselves with the physical body, which is actually the same hologram, as well as the entire universe, you become a walking corpse stuffed dead plotyu.Kak only you believed that he was born , you immediately started to die ... you ... you forgot everything carefully brainwashed (which actually does not have) who you are, what the world around you and what insignificance you in this world ... only you know how you can fool yourself and you own it all up ... from beginning to end ... All that you already knew about yourself and the world around you is 100% false.
you yourself created artificial information field of a given volume of space, and called it the blood pressure (the first). Yes, folks, nothing to this page in it is not when you consider that you are still blind in this hell ... Once you have found the act of birth, you could not see, hear, and so on, you start to move along clearly spelled out the program, the program's death ... This is the dominant program of your Virtual suschestvovaniya.Imenno of the veil of death was that turned you into biorobot ... All of your fears, only the projection of the main fear, fear, fear of death supposedly smerti.Imenno fizichekoy body, your life has turned into a nightmare! And no matter how deep you can not hide this fear, it was he who keeps you in jail ... That ilyuzii this fear of death, not death itself, which simply do not have is the main key to all doors that you can not open the the key to paradise ...
With infinite love ...