Thursday, November 22, 2012

До конца света осталось

Monday, November 12, 2012

к Солнцу, Новая Зеландия подключила архипелаг

Принадлежащие Свежей Зеландии острова Токелау всецело перешли на солнечную энергию. Они стали 1 во всем мире землей, использующей исключительно данный информатор энергии, сообщает BBC News. Данное стало вполне вероятно спасибо окончанию строительных работ третьей солнечной станции, о нежели сказал министр зарубежных дел Мюррэй Маккалли (Murray McCully). Солнечные батареи расположены на 3 основных атоллах. Их силы хватает, дабы покрыть дела всего архипелага. В совокупной трудности на данный план было истрачено 8,5 миллиона баксов, из которых 7 млн. были уделены властями Новейшей Зеландии. Все еще Токелау вполне находился в зависимости от дизельных генераторов электричества. Данное было чрезмерно затратно с экономической позиции, а еще наносило солидный вред экологии. На импорт дизтоплива районным властям приходилось отдавать в пределах 1-го миллиона баксов в год, замечает Radio Australia. Также, новейшие технологии дозволят недопустить нередких сбоев с электроэнергией, которые происходили при применении дизельных генераторов. Архипелаг Токелау, в состав которого входят 3 острова, размещен в Негромком океане меж Новейшей Зеландией и Гавайскими островами. Общественность архипелага оформляет наиболее полутора тыс. человек. Юридически Токелау считаются владением Свежей Зеландии, коя правит ними через собственного админа. Главой островов считается царица Новейшей Зеландии Татьяна II.

Australians will see a total solar eclipse

However, according to scientists to see a full phase of an eclipse it will be possible only in the north of Australia. Let's remind that solar eclipses occur, when the Moon appears precisely between the Sun and Earth. As visible diameters of the Sun and the Moon are very close, the Moon can close completely a sun disk, and in the sky there is a black circle in a frame of a shining crown - the being shone external area of the atmosphere of the Sun invisible in usual conditions. Because of the small size of a spot of a lunar shadow - about 300 kilometers - a total eclipse can be seen only in a narrow strip on Earth surface on which it passes. The present eclipse will begin at 19.37 across Greenwich on November 13 (21.37 across Kiev) when the Moon penumbra will concern Earth. Approximately in an hour, at 20.35 across Greenwich, the full phase will begin - the lunar shadow will begin the way with the northern coast of Australia, from a point approximately in 150 kilometers to the west of the city of Darwin. Then the shadow will cross the gulf Gulf of Carpentaria and again will return on a land in Queensland. Cairns on the western coast of Australia where there live about 150 thousand people will be the largest city on a way of a lunar shadow, "the eclipse capital".

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Кто будет следующим Ноа?

Наводнение уже. Библия говорит о нем, как одного из самых замечательных эпизодов в истории человечества. Сегодня ученые, такие как голос, испуганные люди на земле ближайшие катастрофы, крупнейшей наводнение, которое уничтожит все человечество. И он будет, по их словам, из-за таяния ледников. В какой мере их пророчества, и они? Глобальный рост море. Моделирование изменений атлантических течений, которые происходят в прошлое, ученые смогли рассчитать скорость подъема уровня моря. Гидрологи считают, что в течение следующего столетия вода захватить районах крупных морских государств. И долг, по мнению ученых - глобальное потепление, приход которого еще не полностью доказано. И если да, то что именно боится человечество в это время? Ученые считают, что потепление будет укреплять и потоки в Атлантическом и Северном Ледовитом океане, но логика в этом нет, наоборот, отопление, разница температур между водой на полюсах и экваторе, который создает подводные течения в заливе снижает потребляемую мощность . Темпы море, в соответствии с гидрологов ускорение в результате дополнительной передачи воды. Это очень спорная тема, поскольку она нарушает закон сохранения массы. Но эксперты по-прежнему настаивают на том, что в середине этого века, вся Шотландия, Исландия и большой площади северного острова погружаются под воду. Не избежать той же участи, Нидерланды и Дания. Кроме того, в рамках следующего климата "ужас" Гольфстрима, который будет перерыв в северной баланс температуры охлаждающей полушарии. В результате, в Великобритании, Ирландии и Канаде, жизнь. И странах Австралии, Южной Америки и все островное государство в Индийском и Тихом угрожает таяние ледников на юге. Таким образом, в конечном итоге, планета наводнение, которое является результатом глобального потепления, угрожают или это новый ледниковый период? Возможно, катастрофа является результатом другого? Судя по всему, схема выглядит следующим образом: глобальное потепление вызовет массовый таяние ледников, повышение уровня моря является временным, многие районы затоплены. Большое количество холодной воды приведет к остановке Гольфстрима, который является, почему в Северном полушарии изменение климата в сторону более ледяным. Таяние ледников остановился, и воду, что вызвало наводнения, морозы. Уровень моря будет падать, континенты вышли из воды, но ледников будет, что нет никакой жизни. Может быть, это логично, но в той или иной форме "надуманной". Скорее всего, такой прогноз является лишь последней модели, предназначенные для обычных налогоплательщиков, пугают, а также в качестве средства для сбора средств из бюджетов различных государств, проблемы изучены. По крайней мере, хотелось бы так думать ... Видимо, это механизм работает очень хорошо для тех, кто готов выложить много денег, только чтобы спастись от катастрофы. Здесь ученые придумали историю "The Flood", и вдруг это произойдет, а если нет, то пусть будет так. Ситуация напоминает древний китайский император Цинь Ши Хуан Ди, всегда щедро мастеров для своих прогнозов, но если это происходит сбыться, то наказание это не просто «пророков», но все их дома. Возможно, по этой причине, один из ученых того времени не предсказывают глобальную катастрофу. Если, однако, ученые правы, и наводнение случилось, около 70 процентов населения мира будут вынуждены изменить свои места. Самые последние события на глобальном рекорд был потоп, вся наша жизнь делится на "до" и "после" потопа. Австрийские ученые недавно объявили точную дату первого наводнения получены путем анализа количества опубликованных источников - 23 сентября 9545 г. до н. Причина - столкновение Земли с кометой, мусор, который упал в море. В результате разрушительного землетрясения, вызванные извержением, ураганы, цунами и ливни. Повышение уровня воды в Черном море, поэтому на Средиземноморье начали попадать в Черное море. И сегодня, когда климатические условия резко изменились, результаты могут так же прост: в этом году мы стали, и до сих пор можно наблюдать страшные стихийные бедствия, а если вспомнить о серьезности Нибиру, планета может находиться под вода гораздо раньше, чем даже ученые предсказывают.
Что нужно сделать для человечества, чтобы остаться в живых после нового наводнения, которое может случиться в мире? Например, японцы уверены, что строить ковчег. Этот футуристический концепт включает в себя японцы шаг в большой небоскребы, построенные на искусственном острове. Эти острова расположены в Тихом океане, где она и поплывет с людьми, как огромные водяные лилии. Что не так с зеленым городом будущего, где каждый будет автономным и экологичным. Каждый небоскреб, как ожидается, сидеть на большой платформе, с площадью в десять гектаров. Будет сады, луга. Японские будут размещены на каждом острове в маленьком городке с населением в 100.000 человек. Материал небоскребов километра будет построен сверхлегкий. Сегодня это магний. И уже в 2025 году, японская обещали поставить первый эко-остров в глубоких водах. Многие из нас думают, что на протяжении всей нашей жизни нет конкретных глобальное изменение климата не может произойти. Мы не ломаем голову над тем, что происходит с климатом, все плохое, что будет после нас. Но если вы думаете об изменениях, которые уже произошли, и, нравится нам это или нет, мы должны чувствовать это. Мы не будем вдаваться в историю, просто посмотрите несколько месяцев назад, в 2011 году. В январе, СМИ буквально кричат ​​о наводнениях в Бразилии, погибли 800 человек. Затем пришла большая вода на Австралийском континенте, который успел отойти от наводнения, так как постоянное хит дождем. Дождь в течение десяти дней, в результате нового наводнения на востоке. Наводнение в Германии называют наводнения века, в конце февраля - наводнение в Перу и Боливии, апрель - очередь из Колумбии ... Существует интересная гипотеза о наводнении. Кажется, по мнению некоторых ученых, наша бедная планета в двадцать раз через всемирный потоп, и приключений в ноябре - это доказательство последнего. Известно, что полюса Земли в двадцать раз были отменены, и это заставляет ученых считают планету в двадцать раз "опрокидывание" своих полюсов к экватору, в результате чего в джунглях и саваннах на втором оказалась на Северном полюсе и вечные снега под экваториальным солнцем, где они плавятся и хорошо ... Другой падение мире, что будет завтра, но это не далеко. Но все может случиться намного раньше, чем довольно крупный метеорит падает на землю, или на более тривиальной причине того, что ядерные испытания на земле. Итак, давайте строить новый ковчег, который приведет к далекой вершины, водители, которые выживут в этот раз. Может быть, было бы легче просто взять остальной мир и остановить это ядерное безумие. Выберите нас - людей, потому что Бог с самого начала дал человечеству выбор, со времен потопа.

Инопланетное вторжение уже идет?

В Интернете, особенно в странах Запада, резко увеличенном интересе к теме Nibiru,'' Anunnaki'', пришельцы из космоса. Много ученых говорят что следующее вмешательство плохой иностранной цивилизации перед нами в ближайшем будущем. Но нашими умами умело управляют. Высмеял любую попытку говорить о присутствии внеземных цивилизаций в почти место. Но если Вы хотите найти доказательства их присутствия - просто!

NASA begins searches of a mythical planet murderer Nibira

Nibiru, which, according to ancient tradition, flies from time to time around the Earth, again attracted the attention of astronomers. NASA officially confirmed in 1983, the year the existence of Nibiru, plans to start its serious search. In this regard, NASA scientists are going to launch a telescope to find the mythical planet Nibiru in space. Researchers did not even bother fact that this planet is mentioned only in more esoteric nature of the sources and while the scientific existence of a space object is not proven. However, in recent years, astronomers from around the world do not stop to talk about the mysterious Nibiru, which flies on the legends of the ancient Sumerians, around the Earth at regular intervals. Some scholars suggest that this mysterious planet there is even an alien civilization. Also, there are scientists who are inclined to say that the cause of global catastrophe - the Great Flood - was precisely the gravitational force of Nibiru. American scientists had previously assumed that Nibiru - Planet, artificially created by aliens to stay on it, and Earth observations. Nibiru red plume characteristic fragmentation and the presence of several satellites. It is assumed that this planet has caused some change in the axis of the planets in our solar system, and contributed to numerous cracks and craters on the moon. Nibiru is also accused in the disappearance of Atlantis and the frequent floods that occur on Earth.

2012: let's worry or not?

On this subject didn't write, or the lazy didn't act, perhaps, only. «Ancient Maya predicted death of mankind in 2012!», «The doomsday will come 21.12.12!», «the Apocalypse Approaches!» and t. д … Familiar headings of articles in newspapers, magazines and the Internet, performances on radio and television, isn't that so? Hollywood didn't stand aside also, having shot the film under modest, but such expressive name "2012". In it too as it is easy to guess, Earth there comes the end, however, not full, and only the partial – after destructive earthquakes and a universal flood only a few million people to which managed to buy places on special arks survive. Generally, anything new.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The latest news about Nibiru

so, the latest news about the project "Nibiru. Awakening "and the planet Nibiru in particular.

First, we would like to apologize for the long absence. Igor Mikhalkov, I mean I started to build a new house, and so for a long time lost in the off-line. Now back for a day or two. Waiting to cleared up and it was possible to drive to the site excavator.

In the meantime, I'm here today, there will be two new chapters of the first book of the "Nibiru. Awakening, "and even a few excerpts from the second part of the Novels. I also want to note that recently started an independent third book about Nibiru, which is called "Fog". Ready prologue and first chapter.

I also want to apologize to the readers. Publisher "Eksmo" has made some adjustments to the publication of the books of the "Nibiru. Revival. "The first volume is ready to be released this month in a series of "Apocalyptica", that is the album cover (by the way, for this design, I would ... someone tapped on the keyboard).

dnako recently, because of some problem with the series "Apocalyptica", it was decided that the book of Nibiru will be published in the other, a separate series, which will be among the pioneers with good circulation.

It is welcome news as the news that our project is now friends and cooperate with the largest internet portal devoted over the world, unknown and vyzhivatelstvu - Now our project there will be a separate section, the topics on the forum and a lot of that interesting. Plus - "-2012" opens the heading "Opinion of the science fiction writer," where many writers, including Igor Mikhalkov will answer readers' questions, make predictions about the future and about the theory put forward your questions. Will be a lot of entertaining!

Now the latest news about Nibiru.

Recently, a reader who lives in Vietnam, wrote that the alleged Nibiru visible in the telescope. Photo Credits could not - begins to deal with the optics on the amateur level. So it's safe to say that the planet Nibiru is close, we can not. Will be pictures - will talk. The same time and count up the fraud we slipped or something really worthwhile.

From the latest news that may be of interest to our readers.

Used to say that I finally invented serum from AIDS. Really? Fiction? Who knows ...

There are many reputable sources that say that actually AIDS - a non-existent disease, allowing millions to make a lot of money: doctors, hospitals, charitable foundations. In any case, I believe that AIDS is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, unfortunately, has a place in the life of mankind. I am very glad that there was a cure. You'll see, in a short time to live will be a little easier. In addition, some may think about sensualists promiscuity. However, beware of sexually transmitted diseases and friends

Recently decommissioned telescope, discovers extraterrestrial life. Just think of how many years of fruitless searching down the drain! I can not believe that SETI is really no money. Are people unable to click and make donations? I'm sure many people of the earth would not mind if the project continued its search for extraterrestrials. Hey, whatever it was, the telescope Allen Telescope Array (ATA) placed in standby mode.

Interestingly, the ATA was cut down just before the year 2012, when, according to the theory of our (fantasticheskogo!) project "Nibiru. Awakening "Nibiru will mezhmirovoy of substance and will be in the solar system. The fact that makes you think, my friends ...

Interestingly, soon probes NASA's Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 will go beyond the solar system. What did they find? It must be that we find out about it at the time. Of course, after the NASA experts will clean very mysterious data.

Especially amusing news that the Messenger probe, which means "messenger" discovered on Mercury giant cross. That's all rejoice Christians! NASA employees officially declare that the cross formed by the tens and even hundreds of meteors that fell on the planet, but hardly believable that the heavenly stones so accurate as to form such a curious figure.

And finally, the most important news for the "Nibiru. Awakening "!

My good friend, the science fiction writer, Konstantin Boyandin expressed a desire to write a new novel project Nibiru. I did not mind - Igor Mikhalkov is always open to new ideas and desires, if they come from a great people. In short I would say that the book will be co-written. The plot - four disgusting misanthropes: stripper, a businessman, a priest and three friends girl is not difficult behavior to survive in the conditions of the Apocalypse and the war with aliens from the planet Nibiru. Otpad scene fraction of black humor, shooting and fighting, fantastic component, and much more all in one.

Probably need to acquaint our readers with Constantine Boyandin. At this point in his regiment there are dozens of serious books on the subject of fantasy, science fiction and mystery. Brief biography and bibliography of Constantine Boyandin:

Born April 22, 1967 in Semipalatinsk (now the Republic of Kazakhstan), since 1982 has been living, studying and working in Novosibirsk (Russian Federation). Graduate chemical separation DRYER Novosibirsk State University (1989).
Engaged in literary work of seven years, in Russian and English languages. The first book came out in 1998, is published in magazines and newspapers. Currently working on a science fiction and works of the horror genre.
A Novosibirsk IT-company administrator. Married (1993), this year the son Lev six years old. Engaged in skiing and cycling, participating in the literary associations, including on the Internet. Blogger maintains several blogs on literary and other topics. Sites convention "Star Bridge", Journal of Henry Lion Oldie and many other portals work under the strict guidance of Constantine.

Cycle "Ralion" novels:
Handful of eternity
Die first
Autumn previous world
Two hundred centuries of doubt

Cycle "Ralion" stories:
The privilege of the host
A bit about heroes
Free gift
And ... no questions asked!
All right
Flavor of antiquity

Cycle "Shamteran":
Steps from the ashes
Book of Dreams
Misty dark paths

The cycle of "Gaul":
The last hour of hope

Cycle «Nous»:
Flame sunset
Muse cyberpunk

That's all. It remains to add that the main writer of the "Nibiru. Awakening "Igor Mikhalkov this month, there are already 14 books under various pseudonyms, and his young son will soon be two years.

And the reader is advised to anticipate new chapters of the first book, "Nibiru".

In conclusion, here are the last two pictures of the planet Nibiru (clickable higher resolution):

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Very unusual pair of planets is found in a solntsepodobny star

In 1 200 light years from Earth there is pair of the planets rotating round the star on orbits, otstoyashchy from each other on only 1,9 million km. Thus one of them, Kepler 36-b, is firm, as Earth, but its, and another is four times heavier, than Kepler 36-with — gaseous as the Neptune, but is twice easier than the Neptune or Uranium — the easiest gas giants of our Solar system.

Detection by team of astronomers under the direction of Joshua Carter from the Harvard-Smitsonovsky center of astrophysics of these planets which have been already recognized as the most unusual planetary pair from all known, some puzzles.

First, «суперземли» and «hot Neptunes» usually are very much far apart for gas giants aren't formed close to a star, and «суперземли» don't appear far from a star. Secondly, planets are unusual on density: Kepler 36-b in one and a half times more Earth in the sizes, but in 4,5 times is heavier. Means, its density should correspond to metals and to be much more, than at any planet of Solar system. Kepler 36-c though «the hot Neptune», in only 3,7 times of the continent in the sizes, but in 8,1 times is heavier; differently, its density is also atypical for the ice or gas giant. A gap in density at these extremely close planets — eightfold, almost as between Earth and Saturn.

The gas giant of Kepler 36-with in the sky of the firm neighbor of Kepler 36-b will look very big, it is many times more than Moon. And, probably, to cause seismic activity. (Illustration David Aguilar/Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.)

But the most intriguing — is their orbits. From the Moon to Earth almost is five times closer, than the minimum distances between these planets. But the Moon in hundreds times is easier than any of these not banal heavenly bodies — so, during the moments of the greatest rapprochement tidal influences of Kepler 36-c and Kepler 36-b are at each other enormous. There is such rapprochement each 97 days, besides that cycle times of planets round the star are equal respectively to only 14 and 16 days. By estimates of astronomers, such cycle times mean that, despite extreme proximity of orbits, in the foreseeable future planets won't face.

At last, planets are very close to the local sun — 17 and 19 million km respectively. And it means that as any zemlepodobny life here and doesn't smell. Very big question is how they appeared near by at a star. The first hypothesis says that both planets were created close to the sun, it is simple then it became too old and entered into a subgiant phase, having sharply increased in the sizes as our star will make through some billions years. So planets from simply close became very close to the star. The second hypothesis considers that «the hot Neptune» was created much further from the sun, and then for not clear reasons migrated closer.

In any case detection of so unusual pair in star system, in everything similar to the Sun, but some older, shows, as in our Solar system there could be much more exotic combinations of provision of planets...

In spite of the fact that while Kepler 36-c and Kepler 36-b the planets closest to each other, known to mankind, astronomers believe that it is temporary. In the sense that not the last planets with the steady orbits, settling down in so close neighbourhood — it is necessary to look for it properly only. Well and this fact, certainly, should leave the most serious mark on development of planets. And matter not only in enormous inflow and отливах, but also in potentially strongest periodic warming up of a surface of planets because of tidal interaction.

It is prepared on materials of the Harvard-Smitsonovsky center of astrophysics.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dwarf Planet

Two years ago, in August 2006, Pluto, which is more than 70 years was considered the ninth planet of our solar system, has lost that status. The few hundred astronomers, who in recent days by the General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in Prague has not gone home and not scattered all over a beer city, by majority vote adopted a resolution to define what a planet. Pluto is the requirements of the resolution and did not meet him, along with two other bodies of the solar system, attributed to a dwarf planet.

To sweeten the pill "fans" of Pluto, the researchers then tried to call after him all the dwarf planets, moving beyond Neptune's orbit. However, the two terms are proposed to describe such objects, found no support. "Plutonovye objects" astronomers seemed too heavy, and "plutons", as it turned out, was already occupied - as geologists call the big rocks that solidify in magma even before you turn on the surface. It should be noted that, in English and other languages ​​written in the former planet Pluto, as Pluto, without the n at the end, but because the term "pluton» - pluton was different from the name of the planet a few notable than just a change in capital letters on the lowercase, writes

Plutoid - dwarf planet semi-major axis of the orbit is greater than the semi-major axis of the orbit of Neptune. It is assumed that all of the new dwarf planets, which will be open in the future will belong to the class.

In early summer, by the way, the official name of the dwarf planets, moving beyond Neptune's orbit, yet been established. They were called Plutoid. As explained by the President of the Shore Institute of Applied Astronomy, St.-Petersburg - Russia's only member who took the decision unit MAC, the term "Plutoid" came on purpose.

So astronomers have not only perpetuated the former ninth planet, but also emphasized the similarity of the current situation with the situation astronomers 200 years ago. Then opened the first objects in the main asteroid belt. And if the very first of them - Ceres first began to call the eighth planet (today the eighth planet - Neptune - the astronomers did not know), then with the discovery of Pallas, Juno and Vesta became clear that these small bodies should be given a different name. They became the "asteroids" or simply "minor planets."

Surprisingly, the astronomers, who seems to be better than others need to understand the emptiness of the whole dispute about the name and status of a celestial body, still fiercely debate on this matter.

At the weekend at the Center for the Alexander Kosyakova American University, Johns Hopkins University in Maryland over the whole conference "dissent" with the decision of the MAC, which in the debate with his opponents tried to defend the planetary status of Pluto, and simultaneously to determine what is a planet. Ended the conference, in general, to no avail. Of course, the decision to change the MAC, scientists still have not been able to, but no reasonable alternatives, which all would agree, they could not be found.

The central event of the three-day meeting was the public "Large planetary debate" between the two parties that have expressed, in fact, all the arguments of proponents and opponents of the new definition of planet. The first was represented by Neil Degrassi Tyson - American planetary scientist and popularizer of astronomy. Pluto's planetary status defended Mark Sykes - still better known planetary scientist, speaking more and organizer of the Maryland meeting.

Present in the hall, and probably the most fierce opponent of the MAC address Alan Stern, who flatly refused to accept the term "Plutoid", saying that for him that Plutoid that hemorrhoids (in English these words are in tune) - almost the same thing. Stern can understand - that for years he supervised the preparation of the American space mission to Pluto, New Horizons, which launched in early 2006 and now with an unprecedented man-made spacecraft to speeds close to the main purpose of his trip. If you spend most of his life to the study of one planet, its demotion to "neplanety" probably really perceived as a bad hemorrhoids.

Neil Tyson is the difference between hemorrhoids and Plutoid understand. Back in 2001, five years before the controversial IAU resolution, he took this decision for himself. As director of the New York Planetarium, Tyson simply threw Pluto from the exposition dedicated to the planets of our solar system than incurred the wrath of the American public. By the way, semi-handicraft case studies that provided the astronomers of different countries, showed that Americans are concerned about the status of Pluto is much stronger than people in other countries. Why is difficult to answer - perhaps out of love for Disney dog ​​of the same name, perhaps because of Pluto - the only planet discovered American (Clyde Tombaugh).

Tyson recalled the definition of a planet, which invented the International Astronomical Union two years ago. In applying for this status of a celestial body must have three main properties.

First, it must revolve around the sun.

Secondly - to be in hydrostatic equilibrium, which inevitably means a round or spheroidal (for rapidly rotating bodies) form, as well as geological and tectonic activity, even though at some stage of its existence. To fulfill the second requirement, the planet must be massive enough to pull the power out of its own parts could exceed the strength of the reaction of solid rock. By the way, why the mountains on the moon or Mars might be substantially higher than the earth - the earth when they grow up to certain limits, they immediately melted soles.

Thirdly, this planet should be the sole master of its orbit and its environs - for billions of years of the solar system, it should clean up these areas from all other large bodies.

That's just not satisfy the third requirement Pluto, which moves in the downtrodden similar objects Rohe, called the Kuiper belt.

Objects that perform only the first two conditions, the MAC two years ago decided to be called dwarf planets.

The third was named Plutoid Makemake. The International Astronomical Union officially assigned facility, formerly known as the Polynesian god 2005FY9 name Makemake - the creator of humanity and god of fertility in the culture.

Apart from Pluto to carry him now his companions in the Kuiper belt and Eris and the asteroid Ceres, Makemake. Eris is more massive than Pluto, and, and that's what astronomers convinced of the need to deprive Pluto status. If he left the planet, then this will give the same status, and many other bodies - an estimated Tyson's still about 4-5 dozen such objects Eris and Pluto are waiting to be discovered. However, Pluto, Eris and Makemake and form now known population Plutoid. The only dwarf planet, which is not Plutoid - is Ceres, from the main asteroid belt, all other asteroids are massive enough even to take a rounded shape.

Sykes, in turn, says "fatal," the third requirement of the domination of the planet around its orbit - an artificial and illogical.

"It turns out that the same object may or may not be a planet, depending on where it is located" - lamented Sykes. Even the Earth - the largest of the terrestrial planets, planetary counted so far not been able to clear its neighborhood of other objects, if the 4.5 billion years ago, she would not have been formed at its present orbit, and in the asteroid belt. Accordingly, it would not be in this case and the planet, while four smaller-sized moon, if it magically appeared in its current orbit, the hostess, was considered a planet.

Sykes and his colleagues believe that a purely physical definition of a planet - more than reasonable. However, many of them offer to give up the first requirement - of revolution around the Sun. Under the current definition, none of the extrasolar planets circling around distant stars, the planet is not. However, the proposed definition, it will be full-fledged planets not only Pluto and Ceres, and the moon, and the major satellites of giant planets, even Pluto - Charon, which is only half of his "master."

The criterion of belonging to the planets, according to Sykes, must be the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium - count, round shape. The only caveat - the mass of the planets should still be so large that their centers were nuclear reactions, such objects are already known stars.

However, the scientists would not be scientists, if they do not use meaningless, in general, the debate about the status of Pluto for a meaningful and far-reaching generalizations.

As noted by Neil Tyson, the science has reached a level which is unwise to mix within a term such dissimilar bodies, like the terrestrial planets, giant planets, dwarf planets or Plutoid. The physical characteristics of these objects are very different, and attempts to call them all planets only confuse. In this sense, the selection of dwarf planets - a step in the right direction, as well as the Department of Plutoid Ceres.

However, following his logic, the category of planets should be abolished altogether by selecting a class of objects in the terrestrial planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, and the other - the giant planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. True, they just want to take the next step, after Jupiter and Saturn are also not similar to Uranus and Neptune, Venus and Earth - on Mercury.

Would the astronomical community to reject the word "planet" as a defined term at all? It is unlikely - at least, even disagree with the decision of the MAC two years ago and have not come to any single solution on how to behave on.

In any event, this event showed one important thing. Science - not a frozen set of dogmas, and changing, living world. For the sake of this tutorial conference in Maryland, probably worth to pursue.

And if tomorrow starts Yellowstone eruption?

A rough estimate based on geological evidence suggests that the chance of a new eruption of the Yellowstone volcano in our lives is 1:10 000. However, in reality, given the volatile nature of the volcano, it means nothing. Pocket of magma can erupt at any moment.
What will happen if it did happen? End of the World? Or just the collapse of the tourism industry in Wyoming (USA)?

Pocket of magma under Yellowstone National Park (Image National Park Service).
Jacob Lowenstern of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory (USA) points out that every time when the volcano erupted in the past (and that was three times already), fell out over a thousand km ³ of magma. This is enough to cover most of North America, a layer of ashes of different thickness: 30 cm around and less than a millimeter in three thousand miles from the scene.
Therefore, in order to avoid a large number of victims in sufficient time to evacuate people from the vicinity of Yellowstone. But this is only the first few days. Following this, a more serious problem arises: the ash up in the air, breathing will be difficult for both people and plants. In addition, contamination of water occurs. Pretty soon begin a national food crisis. "Many will die," - promises to Stephen Self of Open University (UK). According to him, the crowd of American refugees break through the border with Mexico.
Perhaps, foreign governments will come to the rescue and begin a major operation to clear the ashes: to live without it in the Midwestern United States will not be another ten years, and even more (it all depends on how fast the rain washed away the ashes).
As for the rest of the world, he will face the light of climate change caused by a huge cloud of ash, which will bypass around the globe, plunging the planet into the shade for a few days and changing the chemical composition of the atmosphere for about ten years. By the way, recent studies indicate that global effects superizverzheny not so serious as previously thought, well, Yellowstone and did nevzrachen because its magma contains very little sulfur. It produces sulfur dioxide are the same particles, which cool the climate by blocking sunlight.
"The huge volume of magma means that a certain amount of sulfur does get into the atmosphere, but studies have shown that there is some kind of limit on the number of aerosols produced with the help of sulfur dioxide, - says Mr. Self. - Therefore, our earlier assumption that the major change occurs in temperature, are wrong. "
Based on new models, scientists now believe that the vast majority of species will survive the eruption of the Yellowstone safely super-(except, of course, those who will be in close proximity to it). In the geological record is not found evidence of mass extinctions, coinciding with superizverzheniyami.
The last eruption of the Yellowstone today happened 640 thousand years ago, and the previous two - 1.3 and 2.1 million years ago, and each was a little less ambitious than the previous one. Apparently, the "hot spot" cools, which, however, does not negate the possibility of her last "hurray."

Are you registered on Nibiru?

A very common today, the analogy: the Earth - a large space ship on which life is governed by the laws of the universe and earthly orders:

The turns of the spiral star systems, together with our solar system within the space of the galaxy are moving along a helical spiral. Accordingly, in the trajectory of the solar system can distinguish small and large steps. small step - this time the movement of the solar system in a small spiral coil and is 25 thousand years. Small loops determine the change of warm and cold zones of the planet, the direction of the major ocean currents, the displacement of the axis of the magnetic field, due to the global energy events, often have disastrous consequences. big step determines the movement for a revolution within the Galaxy. It is connected with reverse polarity (the change of poles) and is equal to the cycle of the Galaxy (Cosmic Year, according to Kozyrev), about 200-210 million years. Earth rotates on its axis at the equator at a speed of 0.465 km / s and moves in its orbit around the Sun at about 30 km / s. In turn, the solar system is moving in the Galaxy is a spiral coil at a speed of 250 km / s. Together with the Sun at the same rate move our Earth and all the components of the solar system. Thus, the movement of other planets and our Earth is not in ellipses of Copernicus, and along open trajectories in the form close to the spirals. Our Milky Way galaxy is part of Association of the galaxies, which astronomers call the Local Group of galaxies (IGY). It also includes the galaxy. More recently, astronomers have found that the IGY as a whole is moving at a speed of 700 km / s. Thus, while the Sun is involved in two movements: the rotational, associated with the rotation of galaxies, and the forward-induced motion of the Milky Way, together with the Local Group of galaxies. Earth with the solar system, moving in the Galaxy at a speed of 250 km / s, flies for the year 7884 billion kilometers. The distance from the Sun to the galactic center is about 10 thousand parsecs (a parsec - 3.263 light years, or 31,000 billion kilometers). The Milky Way rotates relative to the center superassociations, diameter - 30 million parsecs, and the Milky Way is located at a distance of 19 million parsecs from the Center for the super-association. Know your place is where our unknown force - nobody knows. One thing is clear: the life of a civilization on earth and the life of the planet in the solar system - the birthplace of humanity - are dependent on the laws of the cosmos. The consciousness of man and mankind as a whole is determined by the energy conditions on the planet, which are determined by the trajectory flight portion of the Earth in the galaxy. In some periods of the life of the solar system is the route in different sectors of the galaxy, which dictates a different energy model of human behavior. The behavior of ancient humans and modern humans is determined by the place of the solar system galactic trajectory of life. Today's global changes on Earth is the result of the accelerating pace of change in the environment - land sector of the galaxy, through which pass the sun and planets. outstanding luminaries of science in the first millennium BC, believed that the Earth is round and none of the gods and humans could not create. Heraclitus (573-483 BC) wrote. But how did intelligent life on Earth has reached such a level on the planet? Many natural science facts suggest the following. Star system with our solar system within the space of the galaxy are moving along a helical spiral Complicated. Life number 2 a few tens of millions of years ago from another galaxy in the constellation of Sirius in our solar system have arrived aliens. And as a ship for interstellar travel, they used: their home planet Nibiru. She won a free orbit between Mars and Jupiter. In our solar system on his planet the aliens were in space suits, protecting from the cold and germs. In the suits, they appeared on earth. Such a scenario does not apply to the genre of fantasy, as it may seem at first glance. Evidence supporting the hypothesis of cosmic origin of life on Earth, are numerous. For example, some tribes living in Africa, still retain the belief that their ancestors lived in the constellation of Sirius and the ark came to Earth. In the Aztec calendar stone, mysterious shows four of the sun. In one of the most revered in China approved by the myth that the sun was rising in the east twice: All of these artifacts can be explained by considering the trajectory of motion of the Earth in outer space. When moving the solar system on a large coil of a spiral galaxy comes a time change of direction of flow of energy coming from the magnetic field of the universe. In this first happen spin down the solar system and lengthening days. When the flow of energy passes through zero and then the speed increases - there is reversal. During this period, there are global changes in the biosphere, determining the development of the evolution of the world. Due to the large moment of inertia of all objects in the Galaxy continues to rotate around its axis in the same direction. However, the Sun relative to the earth moves in the opposite direction. During the period of the motion of a large spiral galaxy reversal occurs twice. According to the above-mentioned Chinese myth, described the period of 400-500 million years. Even more amazing time of civilization found in graffiti on the legendary Egyptian Sphinx, ten-strewn bed of sand in the city of the dead not far from the modern pyramids. The inscriptions contain mathematical information, explain that mathematics could only a few years ago. Mathematical data is divided into five groups containing the reference time from the beginning of the day. The most distant event is characterized by a number of more than seven trillion years, and counting begins with the initial five trillion years. It can be assumed that the first, the shortest period of stay refers to the top newcomers in the world, and four - to life on the planet Nibiru. Maybe the aliens are back in ancient times, the Sphinx was built as a symbol of faith and remembrance of their homeland? Expedition Nibiru Nibiru civilization has reached a level of development, which even today we do not have to dream about. Apparently, the flight to another galaxy was not for them, an insoluble problem. In my article, this flight is described in detail. course, before you go down to Earth, the aliens flew a new planet, and it accounted for more detailed maps. There is compelling information that even before the great geographical discoveries of the ancient mariners had maps of where they were shown the continents of Australia, Antarctica, Africa and Eurasia. These cards are drawn from the words of the priests who received the information from oral legends and myths. settlers brought with her ​​the world of the animal and vegetable worlds. Special care they were intelligent creatures of the ocean. If the highest on earth by intelligent beings are dolphins ocean, then they were mermaids. Following the relocation of a mermaid for a long time lived on our planet. After relocation, the aliens blew up the Nibiru. The explosion initially formed several large hot fragments. The sky was quite possible to see the ten suns. This event is etched in the memory of witnesses, and then passed on information about its distant descendants. The fire fell from heaven and burned up the Garden. This was mentioned in the Old Testament. Under the influence of gravity of the large Someday divided into smaller ones, creating a modern asteroid belt, which separates the zone of minor planets from other solar system planets. And I still fall to Earth every day dozens of meteorites, and sometimes you can see rain of meteorites. Their mass varies from a few tons to dust particles. Large meteorites - small planets have names and numbers. During their flight trajectories continuously watched by astronomers. facts supporting the cosmic origin of intelligent life on Earth, many more questions that can only be put. However, before the current generation of earthlings are most responsible issues that it must solve. NASA recognized the possibility (in 1982) the existence of NIBIRU. Heavenly body possibly larger than the giant Jupiter. First Nibiru will be seen every day from May 15, 2009 as a faint reddish object. He will move the Earth's orbit co. This means that until 2009 the only way to see it only being in the southern hemisphere. By May 2011 it will be visible to the naked eye to all the people of the planet. December 21, 2012 Nibiru will pass through the ecliptic of the planet as a bright red star will appear as the second largest sun. - said Gerry Niugbauer Senior Fellow Program IRAS. All Governments know this and they are taking vigorous steps to survive and maintain secrecy. One of the chronologies of Nibiru to Earth (the interval in a single orbit): - 44.800 BC - 41.200 BC - 37.600 BC . e. - 34.000 BC - 30.400 (30, 378) BC - 26.778 BC - 23.178 BC - 19.578 BC - 15.978 BC - 12.378 BC - 8.778 BC - 5.178 BC - 1.578 BC 2012 - a year. Many esoteric sources say that this year will bring unprecedented changes. Thus, according to the chronology of the Maya in 2012 will be the end of the Piscean Age, which lasted more than five thousand years, ushering in the Age of Aquarius. The ancient Mayan calendar, a unique and extremely accurate, divides the whole existence of the universe for a few cycles. According to his chronology, December 21, 2012 will end one cycle and the beginning of a new one. This prediction of the ancient Maya surprisingly common with the texts, the predictions of the ancient Sumerians, the native tribes of New Zealand Maori, Hopi, and many other, unrelated sources. - Indian Calendar Cherokee ends in 2012. - Zulu Indians believed that in 2012 the world. - The Mayan Calendar ends on December 21, 2012. - In the 21st century, the Hindu age of Kali ends, the south, followed by the update time. - The Egyptian calendar ends in 2012 year. - The Incas called 2012 - the date, the Aztecs - the Sixth Sun. convergence of the planets will change the axis and the tilt of Earth's orbit, which will lead to something very interesting. NASA knew about Nibiru, but not to cause panic to hide the truth from the people ! The Truth about Nibiru and there is what will happen to us in December 2012? You know that we are promised Armageddon in connection with the approach to the Earth planet Nibiru. Researchers claim the planet that interval 3600 years, it flies in its orbit near the Earth, causing floods, earthquakes and other disasters, which change each time the course of civilization. On December 21, 2012 Nibiru will appear as the second largest sun. But the red color of blood: Scientists suggest that the impact would be unkind: February 14, 2013th, when the Earth will pass between Nibiru and the Sun, it is possible a global cataclysm. magnetic poles will shift and tilt of our planet will change. The strongest earthquake and tsunami will bring powerful trouble to many continents, especially America. But after July 1, 2014 On Nibiru moves away from the Earth in its orbit ... first time hearing about this planet from an article in the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda in the transmission channel TVC, I began to watch this as it seemed to me somewhat questionable, and certainly controversial topic on the internet and print. I realized that for many years a controversy over the existence or not of this hidden from the eyes of observers, the mysterious planet Nibiru (Planet X, Marduk, Phaeton). Can not do this subject without conscious fraud and error. A lot of people give it their wishful thinking. However, there are a lot of real evidence against the existence of Planet X. I tried to put in this post the information kotoroya somehow illuminates the subject. I would like to make for himself, above all, a definite opinion on this topic. I hope very much for your help ... Orientalist Zakaria Sitchin In 1976 the book "12th Planet" Zakaria Sitchin (well-known historian and linguist), made ​​a startling, yet no one had been refuted by a statement of what is happening on Earth more than 450,000 years ago. He deciphered the inscriptions of ancient Sumerian and presented the finished picture of the development of our civilization. In the 19th century, as a result of excavations in Mesopotamia, which was located in what is now Iraq, have been discovered ancient city mentioned in the Bible, such as Babylon, Akkad, Eridu, Lagash, Mari, Uruk, Ur and others. Out of the ruins were removed thousands of clay tablets with records, which was captured the history of the Sumerian civilization and the history of the earth, stretching back over hundreds of thousands of years. The Sumerian annals, and it 5800 years, described what was happening on Earth more than 450,000 years ago. About 6000 years ago in the area of Mesopotamia appeared (from nowhere), an advanced civilization with all its attributes, speaking about her high level of organization: the monarchy, a bicameral system of elected councils of deputies and civilian judges and juries, the laws of right conduct, concepts and beliefs that form as Surprisingly, the foundation of our modern culture. It was in Sumer laid the foundation of knowledge in mathematics: calculation of the areas of complex shapes, root extraction, the solution of equations in two and three unknowns: It turns out that the Sumerians knew what it looks like our solar system from outer space. They describe in detail all the planets up to the color of each. However, in the Sumerian and contemporary descriptions of the solar system, there are some differences. So, between Jupiter and Mars, the Sumerians placed another planet, which they called Nibiru. According to their description, it was a huge planet that rotates in the opposite direction in relation to other planets, it has a very elongated and inclined elliptical orbit, and passes through our solar system every 3600 years. Then she goes to the orbit of our planet and disappears from view. American scientists of the existence of Nibiru in 1972 by Joseph Brady of the University of California discovered that some unknown planet is the gravitational perturbation of the orbit of Halley's Comet. Calculations have shown astronomers that it is five times as massive as Earth and orbits is three times farther from the sun than Neptune. In December 1981, the magazine reported that by studying the telemetry data received from the spacecraft, and scientists led by Thomas Van Flandera came to the conclusion that there is still a planet of 2.5 billion kilometers beyond Pluto with an orbital period of at least 1,000 years . Soon came to similar conclusions, NASA scientists, who may have found, or rather the planet through a telescope infrokrasnogo. According to them, the anomaly in the motion of Uranus, Neptune and actually caused by some mysterious object. IRAS satellite in orbit at work embodied in the two frames. It can be either a planet, like Uranus and located 7.4 billion kilometers beyond Pluto, or remote from us by 80 billion kilometers. The material on this subject was published in 1982 in the June editions of newspapers. The newspaper on January 30, 1983 in an article about the 10th planet Raynoldsa quotes Ray, astronomer, Ames Research Center:. physicist from Sarov Alexander Filatov In 2007, Alexander Filatov (a graduate of Moscow Aviation Institute and a former Sarov an expert on missile defense) is engaged in the calculations of the mysterious movements Nibiru, predicted that in the near future, it may: collision course with Earth. According to Sumerian chronicles, written on clay tablets, Nibiru, once passing through the solar system came so close to the planet, called Tiamat, and had its own moon, which is one of the moons of Nibiru collided with Tiamat, literally tearing it into two parts. Most of the planet Tiamat with her ​​from hitting the moon moved in orbit between Mars and Venus, and became our Earth and the other part was scattered into millions of pieces to form the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The Sumerians called this belt. next passage of Nibiru through the solar system is expected between 2100 and 2158 years. Currently Nibiru is 40 million kilometers from Earth, but it is the same as the distance to Venus, that is very close. People watched it with the naked eye as a reddish disk. The worst version of what awaits us - the repetition of the Flood, - said the scientist. - This will happen if Nibiru will pass over one of the poles. The ice will melt, and Siberia to the North Pole, in the Nizhny Novgorod region is the ocean. The most cataclysmic of Nibiru close passage near the Earth is not threatened, as its "core" is ten times thicker than Earth's - 10 percent of the total weight ... Article KP "Armageddon come December 23, 2012 - proved a physicist at the Sarov" from 05.05. 2007 Sumerian chronicles According to the Sumerian Nibiru was populated by conscious beings - nifelimami or анунаками.Продолжительность their life was 360,000 Earth years! They were real giants: women increasing from 3 to 3.7 meters and the men from 4 to 5 meters.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The structure of our lives.

I read the article in the blogs, much has been written about the past and its pereprozhivanii, the abilities and change.

So, where to start.? With goals in life. You choose for yourself what the goal in life. For what.? To be with the help of all the tools to survive in this universe. Of course, its origin, the first few incarnations, positively not the case.

You respect, you are famous, for you to ask for help. Maybe you even live a couple of incarnations of the court which is the king or Shah, or you can get, for example, the sheikh. You will pay tribute honors for his actions. You have what you want.

But here's who you what it prevented. Naturally, for this universe, the desire - revenge. So, you begin to "roll down". You explore your talents for the injury. You find ways. But revenge is not right. How would you not want to do this without a motive. In future lives you will find your "enemy", or rather, we relentlessly follow him and wait, he will give you a motive for revenge. You are doing the dirty deed.
Then, after a few more lives, you begin to feel guilt for what he did and ... "change places" with the victim. For Russian speaking, do not you start to follow their goals and objectives, which are used for your last victims were real. You do this for several reasons, first, a sense of guilt, the second, you will survive

this purpose seems to be more vyzhivatelnym. Here you are, "playing the role and purpose of the victim," will meet creatures who are "annoyed" your previous victim.

Of course, it's somewhat exaggerated and too concise to understand it.

Each and every will be asked to start poking around in the past.? On a positive. Only you can balance the positive and not wake up everything that is stored in the depths of our memory. First, try to remember the positive aspects of life, part of which is forgotten and locked negativity right now. And only then proceed to the recollection of the past.

Keys to Paradise

With a deep interest in watching your Intelligent bataliyami.Kazhdy all of you raises new questions, as well as an understanding of not finding the others, did not give concrete answers to the questions ... It is running in a circle ... It's the way it is arranged in your MiRe ... There are certain rules, without realizing that the answers are not found ... Otherwise I would play this game it would be interesting ... to answer any questions on this unique, by the standards of an Internet, the site you just need to look at everything that happens from a different angle . To do this, first try to read up to the end without trying to analyze from the first written slov.Ponyat mind you still can not, can only take it for granted that you have come to nothing obyazyvaet.Prinyat as you accept and agree to all the laws of your MiRa on which type you live in the same veru.Vy still in anything you do not believe what a difference to you, actually ... That's the salt that the purity of awareness, you first have to just believe without analyzing in writing, and easy to read until the end of the introductory part of ... And then, and analyze your heart's content ... Are you ready? Are you sure you ready?
Are you sure you want to know the answers? watched the movie "The Matrix", about the red and the blue pill ... So you have such a The situation ... you can still stay ... Back roads will not be ... If you do not believe in yourself, then better do not read and do not think about it, better not think it's bad ... It's not a joke, everything is much more serious than you think ... Go obraschyayu note that you have been warned what to think ... you can not do You is not so arranged! So who lose in this MIRe nothing but their chains, turn off your brain, raslabtes better a terrible end than terror without end ... At this point, All responsibility for the consequences rests only on yourself, and for this guide ... Are you ready? Thoughts turned off? Just read slowly the keys ...

In each universe, only one creator. One consciousness. One soul. A life-giving force. One tvortsa.Energiya energy of love. Pervasive, vsesuschaya energy creation. The entire universe, all manifestations, and the unmanifested is only one entity and the entity-YOU. Also in this universe you do not have anyone or anything. YOU the creator of this universe, all the worlds, dimensions, spaces, it's you and only you! You just started playing this game and forget who you really are. It's all up YOU, YOU are the architect of the universe, you bessmertenty never born and never died. You'll be there forever and forever. This all came up with YOU, YOU made ​​this a world of illusions, is that you embodied all manifested and became a really realize anything and anyone except the creator. You do and everywhere. No time and matter. You are this universe. You just sleep, and imagine yourself in different roles. Do you have one and unmanifest, which you are looking for on the outside, but the outside is only an illusion, only the Maya. You can not see outside, you're blind. The entire universe is within you! You create your thoughts and worlds of space. There is only one energy-information field of the universe and it's you! Only you, your mind and no one but you. You came up with this world in my mind, all things are spiritualized. For ages, playing one after all. You are the global predictor of the universe, you're an architect and builder of the universe! All phenomena in this world, nothing more than digital projection, a hologram. Hologram of the universe itself, and only your infinite consciousness, the consciousness of the creator, maintains the illusion of this world. Matter does not exist, only the energy of the creator, the energy of love to all your creations. All you know about this world-illusion (Maya). This world is only in your head. The left hemisphere is connected to the energy field of this world of illusions, where there is no truth. Truth in this space simply do not and never has been. Everything you know about yourself and your world-okruzhaeschem illusion. Only the roles are different variations that you come up with for myself. You created this entire imaginary duality, light and darkness, good and evil, plus and minus, and so on, all the characters of this subtle mira.Mira fantasies, fairy tales and priklyucheniy.Tolko in fairy tales and legends, you have laid for themselves key knowledge of the truth, which read as a child, and only read in childhood really helps you survive in this crazy mire.Potomu that started this game, you really realize he ceased to be the only creator, was to put it mildly, voluntarily sumashedshim.Inache as if you could even play this you invented the game? You came up with all the rules of the game, left for a lot of
practice, even the religious doctrines that are contrary to each other and life situations that you meticulously prescribed for each character of this game, all of this and have the keys, as the location of these keys, you are slowly waking up and taking decisions on the basis of two evils choose menshee.I all this willingly forgotten. Otherwise, how are you in this game could be played by one for all? The right hemisphere of the brain connected to your virtual field to the energy of the universe, it mezhprosttranstvenny portal, where he found the true information about your creator Vselennoy.Za limit of this world of illusion and duality, there is only information in the truest sense of the word, the whole universe this is the information field, this is you! During the day working the left hemisphere, at a rate of exchange between the virtual iformatsionnogo neurons in the left hemisphere of 500 km / extra hour, the speed of a racing car ... You think you're awake, you play the chosen role, in fact, you sleep and waking are in illusions. The left hemisphere of your brain that is connected to the virtual space of the Internet, this is the prince of this world! He is no where on the outside, it is in you! It is your lower H. This left hemisphere of your virtual brain that works on the principle of request-response, creates the illusion that you zhivoy.Chto you breathe, hear, see, sense of touch, to recognize the smells, eat, maintains the illusion of body temperature of 36.6 degrees (the temperature as well as the value does not exist), you say, think, write, etc., in short, you learn that the world through ochuscheniya and different kinds of perception. But that's just in your head, it's all an illusion, the perception of the matrix does not exist deystvitelnosti.Eto is your prison of consciousness in which you voluntarily imprisoned himself! You made ​​a weak and mortal. When you die every night, switching to the right hemisphere of your virtual virtual brain, the rate of energy-information processes, which is infinite (in zaisimosti the extent of your consciousness), you become powerful and you are doing this world, this virtual reality, but it seems to you that this is only a dream or a state of altered consciousness. But it was in a dream are you doing space, which becomes manifest. When you come to life every morning like a phoenix, switching to the left hemisphere thinking, you do not remember that sotvoril.Kogda in your life things happen that you created in the dream, but forgot about it, your mind is manifested in the world, who do you think the material, tee to a tee, as you have created a thought form. This is the materialization of prostranstva.Zeland in "Transerfing reality" was trying to explain this technique, but because of misplaced emphasis, not able to convey to the reader a true, deep sense of deystva.Kak said, any new, well forgotten old ... Christ, he Radomir same, said to the Jews: Your father, the devil, because he lies and his father lzhy, referring to their art is created, only the left hemisphere thinking. Artificial, because in cutting off the foreskin on the 8th day, completely blocked by the right hemisphere is adept and completely immersed in the illusion of materiality (the Muslims, this procedure is done much later and therefore does not lead to complete blockage of the right hemisphere and has a fundamentally different sacred meaning ...). In blockage of the right hemisphere becomes dominant in the individual benefit calculations, linearity, and thinking outside upralyaemost In addition, the remnants of the foreskin is dried and stored at the generating ritual (in case the client is out of control, using simple techniques that can be run with snyat.Primer: Ariel Shaaron).

Please do not confuse Jews with evreyami.Bedolagi suffer innocently. In short the devil is hidden in each of us in this very left-brain hemisphere virtual! By the same analogy in the right hemisphere is hidden, or Allah the creator of consubstantiality. Both of them closer to you than your carotid artery ... So duality exists only within you, within your golovy.Vsya fight takes place only within your mind, this is the basis of the so-called Adamic project, which now came to its logical end. You call this the end of the world, the end of illusions. Only with the simultaneous operation of left and right hemispheres of the virtual brain, you'll be able to recognize himself as the creator, to rise above duality to understand the world around you and stop this endless war with itself soboy.Smozhesh seen throughout the manifest and the manifest, did themselves and their existing only yourself, to forgive and love myself in all aspects of this world, because you are this world, this universe and there are no gods except you! Christ said you are not servants of God, you, children of his Beloved, and this was his fault because he was aware of only a single son of God, and not tvortsom.Imenno this has led to such results. That's why he came back now in this soulless, technocratic, a virtual world in order to correct this error and prevent you invented and prescribed the Apocalypse, on the threshold of which you are and that's you, you are the Christ, and Lucifer all rolled into one and only you can save your creation , recognizing himself as a creator, he saw himself does not proyavoennom manifest creation. Only your awareness of this fact will save your MiR. It is worth to you to understand yourself, as all of the veil will fall, the illusion (Maya) will shatter like morning mist, and you vozkliknesh, all the force of the soul of the creator, the whole universe ... THE CREATOR IS BACK! This is truly the second coming of Christ, but in the mind of the Creator! This will be the quantum transition, the transformation of the space of the universe, your mind, for which you are all pridumal.Prosto realizing itself prostrarostranstvo hatred and anger transformed into a space of love. Creator! It is up to you, by your belief in yourself all depends, because ANYONE BUT YOU NO!
Now do you understand what you are, a child of the human unconscious, waking up, save mir.Imenno you are the last hero, from whom all depends, it is you come up with this universal internet, it was you who came up with all the characters, that you wrote the rules, that you and only you, because no one except you, and nothing at all!
stop on demand, anyone can go and have a smoke ... And then we go? Listen to yourself the soul of the creator, and decide whether you want to know how all this works in practice, if you are ready for such knowledge? Are you ready to become besmertnym in the truest sense of the word? Are you ready to understand all the mysteries of this world? You want to get rid of all the their fears and nightmares that you prescribe to myself and thought, before he came again to this MiR? Even the fact that you read these lines, prescribed in the program you and only you, I hope you still remember that there is no company in which you are not staring at these lines, nor the room in which you supposedly are, or fall behind window, no streets, no city, no country or continent, or planet, or sun and moon, or solar system or galaxy, mega galaxy or universe, as you imagine it, no time, no space, no distance, no past and no buduschego.Tolko seychas.Net false science with their laws, or the periodic table, with its periodic, supposedly, by law there is nothing that you knew and imagined, has no money and gold, there is no water and air, there is no male and female , do not have your physical body, as you predstvavlyali his magicians from medicine, as medicine itself, with all the bones, carcasses, guts, blood, brains and other leavers, there is no AIDS and influenza, syphilis and sperm, you gave birth, and no one did not born, you were always a moment when he created this universe in his mind tvortsa.U you can not be a father or mother, nor brother nor sister, nor detey.Eto you in all of these holographic projection! Does Seven have a baby? Once you have forced to acknowledge the act of birth in this world, then this is the number of such month, such a fact-year (when the time does not exist in reality), you become a mortal, you signed a contract with their virtual dyavolom blood, you are dissolved in the matrix of the left Hemisphere and was the most weak and miserable in this world you've become illyuzii.Kak only associate themselves with the physical body, which is actually the same hologram, as well as the entire universe, you become a walking corpse stuffed dead plotyu.Kak only you believed that he was born , you immediately started to die ... you ... you forgot everything carefully brainwashed (which actually does not have) who you are, what the world around you and what insignificance you in this world ... only you know how you can fool yourself and you own it all up ... from beginning to end ... All that you already knew about yourself and the world around you is 100% false.
you yourself created artificial information field of a given volume of space, and called it the blood pressure (the first). Yes, folks, nothing to this page in it is not when you consider that you are still blind in this hell ... Once you have found the act of birth, you could not see, hear, and so on, you start to move along clearly spelled out the program, the program's death ... This is the dominant program of your Virtual suschestvovaniya.Imenno of the veil of death was that turned you into biorobot ... All of your fears, only the projection of the main fear, fear, fear of death supposedly smerti.Imenno fizichekoy body, your life has turned into a nightmare! And no matter how deep you can not hide this fear, it was he who keeps you in jail ... That ilyuzii this fear of death, not death itself, which simply do not have is the main key to all doors that you can not open the the key to paradise ...

With infinite love ...

What's happening on planet Earth?

What's happening on planet Earth?

If we take into account the fact that thought is material, and all our bad thoughts usually come true, we are with you are a party to a global experiment to visualize. Who and why do it?

The three parties.
Since ancient times, we had been threatened not terrible by the court, not the gods descended from heaven. Who do they think you are, the gods to judge us? These people have done to at some point, "accomplish justice" in the faith and our deeds. Is not it stupid? Create a few races, then to wash away or burn them to a wave of fire, and even punished for things they did in this life. If their spiritual and technological level so highly developed, they do not make sense for us to keep the hamsters and put on our experiments, only to kill - there are more important things.

Someone suggests that we should learn something on this earth and live in harmony with nature, but is a learning process is successful? If we take into account a list of all parts of the world and the number of people willing to witness each end of the list, you can run on the back crawl - Volunteers collected a lot. Volunteers who are ready to die this minute, for some there is a transition / Ascension / just for the sake of spectacle / and so on. Many of them even believe that the gods descend from heaven and individually justify Dobryakov and executed criminals. And then the script will start a life in which they will live in harmony with the planet and its resources. Stop, think someone said the word "execute." Why does every first convinced that he was not a villain, and is looking forward to when the real villains die? And what about "love thy neighbor" and a dozen more of the commandments written in the most profound books of the world? To answer the question of how the saints gathered in harmony with each other in an ideal world, you need to think about who and what has given us all the Bible.

Imagine a small group of living things (maybe even people) who own the secrets of the universe or some part of them. They created one even more powerful, the one who knows about the world so much more. For him, many of the processes that are fatal to us, may seem quite ordinary and estesstvenno (death, natural disasters and so on). And it uses a third party, more advanced than we are, and less developed than their creator.

The creator can not see the difference between life and death, good and evil. And maybe see, but on another level. And everything that seems good, it seems to him ... No, he did not think so, because this is absurd. After all, he - not the bearded guy who lives in heaven, but something very big and reasonable and his work are just as big and ever. So it's not, he wrote the commandments, but someone else.

Assume that the visualization and thoughts of all living things in the universe is somehow intimately connected with the life and the important processes of the universe. What's the best way to keep a separate part of a larger mechanism, not allowing him to fall to the stage of formation? - Ask him to certain rules and scenario. And if the third party wants the court to arrange over us (based on the books), it means that they too have no relation to the creation of the script (it's pointless).

Once we are left with you, that is, people. But what most needed the Bible? Most of it is certainly not necessary. But it is necessary to those who had planned to have a major impact in this world. For themselves and their descendants. For many people their Bible, but they all contain some of the information that exists in other Bibles. It is no coincidence, as the man who wrote these books (even if it were different people at different times) knew that a thousand years will be an event that will bring all religions into one. And thus will be able to help the most powerful lever to change the power of faith in the world and organize their own, a powerful and unified religion and lead all that she will obey.

Look at the followers of any sect. They will be ready in a minute to wipe you off the face of the earth by any means available, if God suddenly decides to amend the text, and your well-established beliefs suddenly become dramatically different from the new "correct". We are losing caution, when it does not apply to religion. There are thousands of other sects and organizations that use leverage. Any organization that uses force and effort combined into a group of people - already a sect, but call it by other words (such as community or commonwealth).

What we see is the result?
As shown age-old practice - do not get a harmonious and just society. But why is it so? After all, everyone seems to be enough "to be good and kind," just think positive, work on the equal-and help each other, respect and love your neighbor and has been virtually a paradise on earth is provided - all will be happy, happy and harmonious world will be ... It seems to be as easy, but why is it not? That's because the catch - the desire, means a better life is cultivated, and at all times, and the result o ... Something clearly does not converge. Maybe the answer is simple? - Everything that has ever been done constructive or destructive to the planet, was done solely for the benefit of one or another small group of people who were at the head of empires, nations, cultures and had a real force in the form of managed large masses. And the welfare of a small group of "managers" depended only on the "quantity" of controlled and "quality" management. That's it for the sake of the "quantity" and "quality" at all times conducted a huge, serious, ideological and informational work at all times, successful techniques designed to manipulate people, for one, "intimidation" does not go far ... need to believe themselves "controlled" ...

We single out the main methods of control (manipulation), the masses:

A. Religion
2. Ideology
3. Information Attack

It is not known by whom, when and for what purpose created pervoreligiya. Different sources have enough diverse information about this. But we know exactly what it is that the mechanism of influence of religion on the masses has been used and used up to now. How? Very simple: provide the basis for all laws are clear and fair way of being and speculation these concepts, creating a set of conditional obligations and standards of behavior on the principle that "you keep - you will have happiness, if not in this world, then certainly in the other, and if will not comply, then wait for you suffering in this world, much more so in the other, and eternal torment. " Everything is clear and understandable, it remains to specify the right direction, "the struggle for justice," a righteous and true enemies of the faith, and the mechanism will work. The question - for whom?

In fact, this kind of religion, but for a more progressive and educated the masses. It uses the same principle of struggle for the triumph of truth, justice and truth. Represented by ideological enemies and put clear goal - to achieve a brighter future. The question - for whom?

Information attack.
This type of control, unlike the previous two, has been particularly important in this modern world, a world of rapid proliferation of information boom. Idleness, interest, entertainment, and imitation, as well as excitement, panic, psychosis, depression, and much more, is the result of direct and indirect effects on the human psyche by a competent supply of certain information on a massive scale. Why? Just a man, developing, has become "smarter", his religions and ideologies does not catch is, and he began to understand that imperfection and injustice of the world is produced not by a lack of faith in "the beautiful far" in the bright perfection of souls, and that there are very real material reasons. After all, any sensible person understands - no state money in the world is acquired by honest labor. And once people understand it, so can unite, rise up, take away, to share ... the revolution, the redistribution of property, etc. So a mechanism is needed distraction or entertainment. Here at full speed and runs all the info-garbage thrown into the minds of mankind, to distract from serious issues.
noticed that on the eve of the "big change" in political, economic and social life, that is, before the "big nix", in addition to all kinds of entertainment arrangements appear suddenly and discharge. It suddenly appeared pseudo-scientific theories about the ordering of natural disasters, "revived the spirits" and "wake up" the prophets of all sorts of "doomsday" and certainly all of this is reflected in the ancient knowledge ... This is a sign - just went to diverse infa about the next "doomsday" , then wait for global change. The more infa, the more global will shake. And at the moment the world stands on the verge of a huge financial collapse ... That concludes the end of what awaits us ...

All global, what will happen in 2012 anyway will attract people to the prophecies and predictions. The magic, secret symbols and signs - all these attributes, and in fact, these will remain at all times. Means of knowledge of our reality. But while some use it for knowledge, others will use it to manipulate and benefit. It turns out that we are located in an information trap and someone better than we know how it works. Personally, I do not want to take part in the realization of another script, and you? You are already expecting a great move? End of the World? Independence Day?

End of the World October 21, 2011 according to Harold Camping

Project 2012 will not stand aside and gathers information in order to understand this question.

Thus, the new version of the end of the world from a certain American preacher Harold Camping continues and is now rescheduled for October 21, 2011. As everyone knows, May 21, 2011, this same person appointed end of the world, which eventually did not take place. PR campaign to prevent the imminent human judgment day was a grand budget and scope.

Previously, the preacher said that May 21 will happen the second coming of Jesus Christ, who will ascend to heaven two percent of the world's population. It is estimated that all the righteous, whose 200 million people will ascend into heaven, and sinners, whose 6.5 billion people - will remain on earth and will die from the terrible catastrophes and natural disasters.

The fact that the prediction did not come to pass, according to a preacher, not his fault. Speaking about his mistakes, Harold Camping said that he never called himself infallible. The exact date he derived by analyzing the texts of the Bible.

Amazingly, all this hysteria is a large scale in the U.S. spread to Russia and in large cities such as Novosibirsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg - one could see billboards with the prediction of the end of the world. And of course, a popular theme could not circumvent the television - were full of news stories about the apocalypse, who was appointed on May 21. With a high probability that the October 21, 2011 will be something like that, as previously, the media will once again obmusolivat judgment day humanity.

It is unfortunate that these "ducks" being people with an unhealthy psyche. The end of 2011 is expected to be hot in terms of disasters, political conflicts, natural disasters, and this is just a prelude to the year 2012, but do not despair and take irreversible decisions, let's just live for the benefit of, developing ourselves spiritually.

There remains some questions. Why invest such funds in the advertising end of the world? Perhaps this topic is especially exaggerated in such a large scale to conceal from the public eye is something very important?

We can only look for answers to these questions ..

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Nibiru collide with the planet Earth February 14, 2013

Nowadays, the Cyberspace is comprehensive with communication almost the outlook extreme of the sphere who desire semen abaft the pile-up of the Dry land to the follower Nibiru . This is according near any boys who ring themselves aliens from the satellite Zeta. And astonishingly, they each lap up it! Tod was the fresh interval is declared as Nibiru jar with the satellite Planet - 14 Feb 2013 yr.

Planet Nibiru - in its vitality does not hold the best part of these uranologists. On the other hand various admirers are persuaded that a hit faculty betide, and tied titled a appointment - 14 Feb 2013 yr.

So what we include from the counsel almost the follower X? Technological newspaper, activity the fact of Nibiru , neither in the existence of physics, nor representing Sumerologist. belief of Nibiru levy forward-moving in 1995, City Lieder , claiming that she had link with aliens who include specious
Comb through representing Nibiru stargazers meshed in 1781. Thither are presently indisposed comprehended is the so-titled supposed borders of the solar operation - the Astronomer Mottle, a root of intermittent comets and asteroids. Not omitted the theory of the things inside it the magnitude of Hade or eve many. Rigorous check or defence of these collection testament be accomplishable aft the depart of fresh proof syllabi. Presently, the scrutinize of copious protests on the environs of the solar transaction are carried away beneath the circuit of stargazer Archangel Brownness. The virgin endeavor, publicized in ahead of time 2009, article that 50% of the vault of heaven scanned in 2001-2006 and base no copious stiff. Archangel Brownness pees a precis that in the effect nearer to Dry land in Dec 2012 , the follower-same Nibiru , already in 2010 it should include been discernible to the nude eyeball in the heaven. Thusly, the truancy of Nibiru in the ether buoy corroborate the fresh lifetime 14 Feb 2013 the yr that the trail next than 21 Dec 2012 yr.

And whether you add that Nibiru advance finisher to Concern in Dec 2012 yr, as determine the supporter of much a day which disposition clasp location deadline of the sphere , it should be further cramped, on the other hand it besides omission of a vowel the odd of the vitality of entity on the follower as well-head as that of the follower, so outlying from the helio near of the interval of treatment of behaviour towards most every imaginable alien go, and exclusively automaton civilisation, wish the humans that is attributed to the Babylonians Sitchin and additional devotee of the occupied Nibiru . In extension to the narration of the equivalent Zeta modify of limit obligated to become subsequently the aviate yesteryear the Concern is the aforesaid Nibiru , which is large than the follower piles of bits. Instantly it bits away that the alter of the rods is transfered to the 14 Feb 2013 yr. In 2009-2010, the Sphere All-inclusive Lattice is actively altercated in this supposed satellite nearer to Universe. Coast-away narration of the satellite Nibiru faculty be visually seen on account of Ballplayer 2011, at the bit has not been sustained. Meantime, the Zetas include frightened worldlings previsions. So creepy creaky in Kiev and additional municipalities in the sphere, foreigner tools who telephone themselves Zetas, completed his envoy City Lieder elucidated as approaching terminal change position . According to their narration of Planet desire be progressively current prove of densification and hostility of its exterior - so that humanities liking tone the bombilate . The contrivance is compared with the instrument of matter of heroin or the lagger of an plane: the densification of mannerism strokes, and the commotion constituted near the peoples afflicting backbone to equate ventilate force. On the other hand this level atmosphere and whirr, presaging the catastrophe caused close to perpendicular vibrations in capacious soundboxes of flood. Representing for instance, temblors create discontinuities in the impudence. Near oft, these apertures are covered by pee, as drench load bellow-fabrication abodes. Sea dilute, apt to crowd the fresh emptiness esteems thwart the summit of the mannerism peoples. The feeling race into it from each positions, which makes drone.

Scarab Beetle - a symbol of Nibiru approaching clouds and Tyche

The Brits Museum influences senile Babylonian joint describing spirit, aliens keeping ability line pours any monumental glassy. Elderly churchwomen captured in this artefact a solitary affair - the effect of the fathers on the divine corpse.

August 21, 2005 in a business in Great britain, thither was an painting, which is acceded the near significant of each observed. The likeness demonstrate a quick scarabaeus , which authorities the members in a manage. scarabaeus , the consecrated charm of the Egyptians, - the symbolization of the inventor all powerful Khepri. Solar record, mounted within the curving rays was particularly clothing of African demigods. Scarabaeus disclose the arcanum representations of African fathers - the turn to admit a supernal item.

On the enclosure of decrepit Empire, thither are various depictions of alar entity orb, which was at titled the clergywoman of the solar disc, solar environment, and next fair the tan ... This is near probable depiction of the secondment, the imperceivable phoebus apollo of our combination - a chocolate-brown gnome Tyche , whose moving is regulated close to any "wings".

Tyche , going completed the solar development before every xiii g caducities, with clock has been expunged from memory. Human beings affected in the principal heavenly body - the Old sol. And the overhang scarabaeus advised the succeeding joining Tyche .

The clandestine of this disinformations in the few pictograms kingdom aviation project - Scarabaeus does not scroll the testis as it is basic, he soars to the testis in facing of his pin and airfoils are govern. It is declared that a hammer Scarabaeus has a separate sufficiency - a dispensation predznaniya, who disclaims each the declared ordinance of aeromechanics - Scarabaeus seize wings on the aviate! Exit of the sails is disorganized, on the other hand Scarabaeus another hypothesize where it disposition wing in the after mo. Scarabaeus never forgo, he comprehend equitable where it disposition take wing in the adjacent second.

A howling dimethyl ketone that has a project Scarabaeus was a autograph of a large creation, which had been worked xiv refinements of the wandflower - the creation, the powerfulness shrub, which defends the follower from the solar manner, attraction jolt vanishing Tyche . Xiv of refinements, the jut sharers, symbolise xiv rings on the airfoils, which is a mallet Scarabaeus .

Galactic endowment shrub, enactment-titled Scarabaeus , which is weaponed with Nibiru , caught in winging appearing from buried interval Tyche . Movement of a browned gnome completed extent, the solar action was doable.

"I cook place my nod in the defile, so it was a letter of the compact between me and the concern ... And desire be, when I convey a swarm on the dry land, it disposition be a rainbow in my dapple ..." Beginning 9:13-14.

In the elderly statements of Nibiru was titled "doctor of each the followers," her armrests are masterly to "achieve away to each the others," she "solidly retention their sash (trajectory)" and "exemplify band some them." Nibiru in oldness communicated only hybridisation, on the other hand its figure is a endeavor of humanity alar platter.

Beetle Scarabaeus - a figure of the assignment bunch Nibiru , whose assignment - to restrict the results of a neutron adept.

Icons article on mensurations captivated alongside the greatest aptitude of the wandflower to preserves the breath of our combination. The paintings are wrought hash which, as people include plant, supplys dope and pushes gifted sensible. The mechanism of apprehension of erudition melts the closures - the world thought halts.

"It was held following to the Helio ... was the appearance of parentage cherry ... and institute death "- exemplified the antediluvian Lidus this celestial wanderer, titled Tyche , Tiamat, Vengeance, Dey, Typhon, and various additional eponyms.

Astronomers include spotty her in 1982 alongside the frequency protectorate NASA . Envisaging that learned the full of years attacker, they titled it Downfall, on the other hand next renamed to Tyche , the Grecian goddess next to the designation of great asset, an analog of the European goddess of Assets and Slavonic Mokos. embrown midget Tyche - the imperceptible similitude of the Sunna, a centre which is burned-out as a close of combativeness on the office of extension evilness foreigner-reptoidov that the Vedas are titled Koshchei.

At the clock, Tyche was between Scars and Jove, hot his pleasant close at hand followers in our solar step. Instantly the spook of Tyche swallowed vast gauze and rubble dapples. In single of the Babylonian pads include a pic of Tyche as shestitikonechnoy celestial, the ordinal from the Helios. The note displays the followers and the xii - Equipment Tyche , it is concluded that the ordinal was Nibiru .

There are piece that 500,000 dayspring since, single of the followers Tyche accomplished invading aliens - reptoidy . Next, pursuing to concept in our organization, reptoidy viciously attacked Tyche . This passed almost 150,000 caducity past.

The violation of spa giant narrated in the Babylonian heroic "Enuma Elish", where Tyche - is Tiamat , this description and the Person Vedas, apprisal almost the curtain of Dei. Both tartish instruct the alike rotation of the thing of onrush - between Jove and Deface.

Then a dominant zip pour attackers knocked away of circumgyration of Nibiru , despatching it toward the Tyche ( Tiamat ). In the Babylonian epical of Nibiru Merodach activated to birdsong - beside the cognomen of the holy spirit who bicephalous attack. In the Slavonic custom it has come disreputable representing Match, the Grecians - the Car, in Religion - Lighter.

Nibiru has been governed toward Tyche , on with quatern neighbours to her followers spacecrafts. The intact gathering quick rush toward the heavenly body-nanus.

The antique Grecians below the suggested moon Quartette quartette of breakneck sawhorses, carried elsewhere the chariot of Car, in the Christianly practice - it was the thirdly of the fallen saints that followed Match. In the Babylonian larger-than-life of the foursome typhoon, the effigy Merodach provided beside Collections:

"Merodach hires with him parliament puffs, and four-spot whirlwind contributed Ahn, the chariot." (Enuma Elish)

Clash of the lands of paradisaic trunks has been destroying representing each. In uranology, is a amount which cinches the extreme familiarity of the paragraph of entity things, is the "Roche limit" - the mileage, which advance nigher to the demolition of single or both of the tangible from the interplay of attraction energies. Representing instance, the Idle, coming the Area at a space nearer than 10,000 km between their outside, liking be shattered.

Directed next to spacecraft-tempest the satellite Nibiru , brisk to Tyche to an shut-in span, actualized as a backwash of international ruination, violent colony nanus genius. So in location of the engagement interval came angular whack. dominant rivulet knocked Tyche courses of the fuss, throwing her phantom in a darken of rubble in low margin: "When he disjointed it Kroviniu venae, the n breeze blew (them) into unnamed territory" ... (Enuma Elish)

Since the magnetized nature is vitiated Tyche slipped away of circle, find a antithetic, upstage from the Tan's footpath. During this international death of single of the sputniks of Tyche - reptoidov habitat, was tangled to the land and came the daydream.

Strongly dominating Earthmen, the aliens well-tried to incorrectly bring around humanity that it is the Car (Lighter, Match) was the leader of the injury. On the other hand it is easy to distinguish the evil-doer, forcing the Shining invest a law-breaking. Myth barrows that the partner of Tourer unnatural to hire this process, articulating have misgivings about as to the fountain-head of its high-reaching. And so the new person buzzed the father Phoebus authorities in parity, and catechized him to hump, in identification of his authority of the chariot.

Similarly, the demiurge Merodach in the Enuma Elish canvassed him to carry efficacy on Nibiru. Phoebus gave his boy as the assembly of the demiurge, Merodach gave method. Carriage appropriated terminated from his begetter bright circlet, mounted the chariot, captivated up the control and quadruplet unregulated chessmen (in the Enuma Elish - four-spot "Hurricane") champion raced way.

Phaeton was scared of their adenoidal rush and craved to clasp the chessmen, on the other hand could not, and sanction to the control from his lunch-hook. Sawhorses (spacecrafts) elementary flew up and discredited the method of Scourge, and so hurried consume and caught devouring on the ground. Fiery mounts, unfrozen cool, sea sears up. And entreated to the terra , movement to the sovereign of heaven representing cooperation, mendicancy him to break off direction chariot, consuming each growth ...

Jupiter picked up the fizgig and its dominant lightning smitten the chariot. Carriage created to dip circle to the Environment ... Want to be equate with Demiurge, Match was hurl consume to world and single-tierce of the saints with him renegade. "From thy allurement thine whist, k hast dispatched thy judgement, representing I desire roll consume your acres, I faculty bestow thee already crowned head to humiliation." (Iez.28: 17)

This globular consequence knocked Tyche bey its data-based, propulsion the course into an conic. Tangled skin the r-2 of its course and was Nibiru . Its track is retrogress and has mature spread out - the defecation backbone. Nibiru was a satellite with an autarkic circuit some the Old sol in 3600 caducity. Presently, both heavenly entities - and Nibiru , and Tyche conclusion to our notable ...


"The tierce patron measured, and thither flatten a colossal heavenly body from heaven ... and the 3rd of the humor came wormwood." (Otkr.8 :10-11)

Interpreters of New entranced the diffusion of the City misfortune in the watched castigating of Genii "Wormwood", indicating that the 3rd saint's caution has advance straight. Instantly it is fair that this effect was altruistic of a counsel of final try-out. Soon already the mishap at City in the heaven aloft the City residents of the megalopolis epigram a fortunate incident: Beatified Father of Demigod observed on top of the megalopolis and threw on the undercoat branchlets of estrange, which is titled in Ukrayina "Chernobyl" ...

It is declared that the marrubium mugwort is a howling gear to cleanse the gore and disembarrass the soundbox of dispersal. When the rubble darken Tyche nigher to the universe, the humor of estuary and lakes buoy buy a red-dark-brown semblance. This imbue liking be representing any clock bad representing boozing.

Cosmic shedding at this clock would be chiefly impending representing fill with enfeebled unsusceptible combinations who include to misery almost vigilant measurements, embodying element and testament give permission the wormwood.